
Monthly Archives: January 2023


World War Z Aftermath zombie hordes are getting even bigger

An update coming this month is making World War Z Aftermath zombie hordes even bigger than they already were. For sheer number of zombies on screen at a time, World War Z already has few competitors – only Days Gone […]


How to play Lucio in Overwatch 2 – Tips and tricks

Lucio is one of the original Support heroes in Overwatch 2 and is one of the most iconic characters in the game. What other hero has had a brand of cereal named after them? This popular hero has consistently been […]


Cyberpunk 2077 mod makes cyberware your source of armour

A new Cyberpunk 2077 mod completely overhauls the way the RPG game’s armour system works. Normally, V’s clothes (and modifiers) are what determine their armour – a jacket might be tougher than a T-shirt, for instance, or a higher-level pair […]


How to refund Fortnite skins

With regular updates and a ton of new skin packages in the game like the exciting Dragon Ball crossover, you can be anything and build everything to your heart’s content in Fortnite. However, just like with any other purchases you […]


Destiny 2 Iron Banner game mode is plagued with frustrating issues

Destiny 2 Iron Banner’s Fortress mode launched last week, introducing Cabal turrets into the popular multiplayer game mode. But while players generally found the event fun, it also highlighted issues with the overall Iron Banner meta and the game’s grind. […]


OBS Studio 29.0 release adds AV1 encoding

OBS Studio has just received its latest official update. Version 29.0 brings plenty of new features to OBS Studio, with one in particular that could make a massive difference for some users. The update has been in beta testing for […]