
Monthly Archives: March 2023


Destiny 2 Lightfall soft cap guide and how to hit it

If you’re wondering how to hit the Destiny 2 Lightfall soft cap, or aren’t even sure what the power cap is, we’ve got you. Every piece of gear and weaponry you equip in Destiny 2 has a power level – a […]


Where to find all Liming Harbor Chests in Destiny 2: Lightfall

The release of Destiny 2: Lightfall means there’s a new bunch of stuff to find. In this case, we want to find all the chests in the new Destiny 2: Lightfall Liming Harbor area located in Neptune. And if you’re […]


Diablo 4 system requirements | PCGamesN

What are the Diablo 4 system requirements? It won’t be long now until Blizzard unleashes the upcoming RPG game and hordes of demons upon the gaming space. You’d best act quickly if you want to prepare your system for Diablo […]


Bungie addresses Destiny 2 Lightfall launch issues as players surge

Developer Bungie has acknowledged a number of Destiny 2 Lightfall launch issues, perhaps caused in part by the Destiny 2 player count surging to its all-time Steam peak as players rush to enjoy day-one content in the FPS game‘s newest DLC. Today […]