Announcements makes finding fellow Apex Legends and Valorant players easy

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If like me, you love to play multiplayer games but find yourself bouncing off them because none of your friends play the same game, is the solution for you. It’s a more concentrated way to find like-minded players that have the same schedule and reasons for playing as you.

Using a specially built profile and algorithm to find like-minded players, is a great tool for some of the biggest multiplayer games around at the moment. In fact, Apex Legends just had its highest ever Steam player count alongside Counter-Strike: Global Offensive as well, and both of those games work with supported multiplayer games

These are the multiplayer games supported currently by, with more planned.

  • Apex Legends
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  • Fortnite
  • Overwatch 2
  • Rocket League
  • Valorant

There will be games coming to, but these are multiplayer games you can expect to find other players for right now. You’ll go through the algorithm and find teammates based on availability, commitment, skill, focus, ambition, language, and location.

While that might sound like a fairly simple way of finding fellow players, having a system that filters through all of these essential factors for you makes it easier to find people that actually can play with you, and want the same thing while doing so. So, for example, if you’re a Valorant ranked demon, you can team up with equally competitive players. If you prefer the all-new Swiftplay, you can find more casual teammates to pop heads with instead.

You can learn more about sign up here.

If you want to see plenty of other games that could benefit from the work of, check out our best co-op games list. After all, you want to find the best Atlas to your P-Body.

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