Fruitbus looks absolutely adorable, and that’s usually my number one priority when it comes to cooking games. Don’t give me realism, give me cute animal customers. Krillbite Studio has provided just that and more in Fruitbus, a game in which you run a cozy, customizable food truck. From a giant springy banana to racing wings, you can make use of all sorts of silly decor to make your bus more you while you diligently work to fulfill requests. If Fruitbus could be described with only one word, it would have to be unique.
While there is no specific release date for Fruitbus just yet, it is set to launch on Steam in 2024. When it arrives next year, you’ll be able to explore an open world where taste means pretty much everything. Create a variety of dishes, feed your animal friends, and unlock all sorts of customization options, memories, and stories. You can also upgrade your bus and implement bright colors or cheerful music to attract new customers.
What’s really fun about Fruitbus is that you get to forage for all of your own fresh ingredients, taking home-cooked to another level. Krillbite Studio wrote on the gameplay, “It’s a berry cool feeling to be a fruitbus owner.” The CEO himself stated that he’s “working on pear-fecting my smoothies and can’t wait to see what players create when Fruitbus launches next year.” The puns alone have sold it for me. Check out the Steam page here and wishlist Fruitbus if they did the same for you.
If you love the look of Fruitbus as much as I do but want something similar to play while you wait for its release date, then be sure to check out some of our other favorite indie games. Browse through a few of the best simulation games out there right now alternatively, if you want to step into the role of another life even if it isn’t that of a food truck manager.