
New Sims 4 expansion houses 48 people in one plot, and it’s chaos

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The Sims 4 is about to get even more chaotic as EA says that its new expansion pack, For Rent, allows for multiple households to live on the same lot together in-game. As EA reveals more about its upcoming expansion, from the community potlucks to tenant-landlord drama, the chaotic possibilities grow. The current family limit per lot also seems to be six, which means that a whopping 48 Sims total can share a plot of land.

If you’re a fellow fan of The Sims 4, then you also may regard it as one of the most creative simulation games out there right now. I can easily lose hundreds of hours to its dollhouse-esque charm. Sometimes I pour said hours into building houses or expanding families, but more often than not I spend most of them enjoying absolute anarchy in-game. For Rent is about to take my havoc-wreaking tendencies to the next level.

EA writes that with For Rent’s new tool, “you can build your next property in any livable world.” According to the developer, this build can be any residential lot, including “townhomes, duplexes, in-law suites, condos, dormitories, and more.” The multi-units can get quite lively too, as it appears in-trailer that you can have a maximum of six households total on one lot.

While that may not sound like a lot initially, players can make each of the six households contain up to eight Sims. This means that one For Rent lot can host a mind-boggling 48 Sims. Imagine the sheer chaos of that many Sims together, some of which may be toddlers or children. Add a few pets, even horses, into the mix, and you’ve got yourself a permanent, wild house party.

Or, be like me and build one huge, inescapable death pool. I haven’t been this excited about a Sims 4 expansion pack in a very long time, aside from the recent Horses content. Some Simmers may compare this one to prior packs like City Living, but I think that For Rent is going to play out on a much larger scale. The newer expansion isn’t exclusively about apartments, after all, and it allows your own Sims to take over as the landlord.

If you’re a big Sims stan yourself, then you may be searching for some new ways to spice your base gameplay up for free. You can browse through our roundup of the greatest Sims 4 mods around right now for some ideas on how to do so. Alternatively, check out our favorite life games if you’re searching for something entirely new to play.

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