
Best builds to win Terminal Attack in The Finals: Light, Medium, and Heavy

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While the overall hype around The Finals has gotten quieter, the devs have been hard at work cooking up Season 2. A new competitive game mode has been released along with brand-new weapons, cosmetics, and Gadgets. We’re here to dive right into the action and take a look at the best build to win Terminal Attack in The Finals.

The Finals — Terminal Attack explained

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Terminal Attack is a new 5v5 competitive mode added to The Finals during Season 2. In this mode, players have one life to either attack and plant a decryption key at one of two terminals, or defend said terminals from the attackers. What makes this game mode interesting is the fact that there are no revives, respawns, and no healing. On top of that, Gadgets don’t recharge and your health will only regen up to 100 HP.

There are only three maps currently in the pool of Terminal Attack, but we can assume more will be added from the normal map pool in time. If you’ve been dominating the competition in the normal game modes, this is the perfect time to test yourself in something different. But if you want to succeed, you must have the right builds.

The Finals — Best Light build to win Terminal Attack

Best Builds To Win Terminal Attack In The Finals Light
Screenshot: PC Invasion

When it comes to the overall meta of Terminal Attack, Light builds are going to be the most difficult to play. This is mostly due to the fact that they have the least amount of health. And in a game mode where you only regen to 100 HP, Medium and especially Heavies are at an advantage before the match even begins.

That being said, if you are someone who likes to bounce around the map and sneak in and out of fights, then playing a Light character can set you up as the player carrying your team. Here is the best Light build to win Terminal Attack in The Finals:

  • Specialization: Cloaking Device
  • Weapon: SR-84 Sniper / XP-54 Submachine Gun
  • Gadgets: Tracking Dart, Thermal Vision, Vanishing Bomb

Light Specialization and Weapon

Even though they nerfed the Cloaking Device a bit in the Season 2 mid-season update, it’s still a get-out-of-jail-free card for most fights you find yourself in. But as we mentioned above playing a Light build requires a ton of discipline, and knowing the right times to get in and out of fights. The Cloaking Device will help with these decisions, and ensure you can properly sneak up on enemies.

Just as important, the weapon you take into battle depends on your playstyle. If you want to pick off any enemies that might try to initiate an upload, or if you want to get rid of any foes who try and stop your upload, the SR-84 sniper rifle is the way to go.

The XP-54 Submachine Gun is the other option available to Light players who want to deal tons of quick damage. This, combined with your Cloaking Device and Gadgets, makes you a veritable shadow-walker. Sneaking in and out of the battlefield to deal big damage and leave before anyone knows what happened.

Light Gadgets

Speaking of Gadgets, our choices should help shape the idea of the overall build. We start with the Tracking Dart since this is extremely helpful for Terminal Attack. Whether you’re on Defense or Attack, using the dart on the active terminal will help spot out any enemies around it for you and your teammates. This makes it a lot easier to confidently push and take care of your opponents.

Thermal Vision won’t help your teammates like a Tracking Dart, but in clutch moments, being able to know where any immediate enemies are can make the difference between a win or a loss. I’ve seen a Light player use their Thermal Vision to see if anyone was near the Terminal, before cloaking and sneak-defusing the upload.

Finally, having a Vanishing Bomb can give you that little extra breathing room in Terminal Attack. Since your Gadgets don’t recharge, being able to go invisible a second time can help with survivability.

The Finals — Best Medium build to win Terminal Attack

Best Builds To Win Terminal Attack In The Finals Medium
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Much like every other game mode in The Finals, playing a Medium build is a very popular choice amongst the community. With all the new additions to Medium Gadgets, it doesn’t really matter that the new seasonal weapons aren’t that good. Because Medium has had some of the best weapons in all of The Finals.

Take a look at the best Medium build to Win Terminal Attack in The Finals:

  • Specialization: Dematerializer
  • Weapon: AKM / FCAR
  • Gadgets: Explosive Mine, Jump Pad, Data Reshaper

Medium Specialization and Weapon

As far as our Medium build goes, this will probably be the biggest change to your normal builds and playstyles. If you haven’t been playing Season 2, the Dematerializer is a new Specialization for Medium builds, and one that is perfect for Terminal Attack.

With this, you can turn spaces of floors and walls into windows that you can shoot, move, and throw things into. You also have the option to close the holes whenever you want, giving an extra layer of skill to placing these holes. You could place a few mines above a terminal and just as your upload is about to be stopped, you can create a hole in the floor, bringing explosives raining down onto your enemies.

As far as weapon choice goes, the new weapons from Season 2 haven’t exactly been lighting up The Finals. As such, it’s always good to go back to the 2 ol’ reliables: AKM and FCAR. They are almost interchangeable, and depending on how good your aim is, you might prefer one over the other. But I will say the FCAR is extremely useful in situations where the enemy only has 100 HP since you can deal enough damage to kill in one mag.

Medium Gadgets

Medium Gadgets all play around securing the terminal currently in play. Gadgets like the Data Reshaper can help clear out a particularly noisy upload you’re attempting to stop. If the enemies have placed mines or explosives around it, you can use the Data Reshaper to turn them into harmless objects.

And as we said up above, Explosive Mines and a Jump Pad can help you turn the tide on Terminal Attack. Especially in situations where enemies are crowded around a terminal, you can use your Jump Pad and Mines in unison with the Dematerializer to completely change the location of said terminal.

The Finals — Best Heavy build to win Terminal Attack

Best Builds To Win Terminal Attack In The Finals Heavy
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Now we’ve gotten to the big bad enemy of The Finals, the Heavy build. Given the fact that Heavy players start with more health than anyone else, this means you’re likely to go up against a team comprised of almost all Heavies. But that doesn’t mean you need to be missing out on being a damage sponge. Let’s look at the best Heavy build to win Terminal Attack in The Finals:

  • Specialization: Goo Gun
  • Weapon: Lewis Gun / Flamethrower
  • Gadgets: Motion Sensor, Goo Grenade, Frag Grenade

Heavy Specialization and Weapon

Choosing the right Specialization for our Heavy build was hard, since at least two of them can be fairly viable in other game modes. But I believe utilizing the Goo Gun is the most useful Specialization for a Heavy. Primarily because If you’re in a sticky situation on either side of the field, you can just goo everywhere around the Terminal and do whatever you please.

Weapon choice is quite similar to our Medium build. So if you’ve been playing The Finals for a while or are a returning player, you’ll know just how good the Lewis Gun is. Conversely, The Flamethrower isn’t usually the best weapon, since most other game modes throw you out in the long distance fights. But in Terminal Attack, most players will eventually have to make their way to the terminal. This sets up Heavy players with a Flamethrower, who can wait for people to get close, tank any damage, and start barbecuing some enemy players.

Heavy Gadgets

The Gadgets we chose for our Heavy build serve as a jack-of-all-trades. You have a Motion Sensor to help detect any enemies getting close to the Terminal. Even with the most health, you don’t want to rush to the Terminal unless you have to. The Motion Sensor will help notify you if you need to play more passively or aggressively.

A Goo Grenade is just another precaution to use with your Goo Gun, in case you need any cover on the fly. It can also help you cut off the enemy’s movement to a terminal, and in a game mode where time is of the essence, this is very important.

Lastly, you have a simple Frag Grenade, which could realistically be interchangeable with any other Gadget you might see fit. But I believe it’s always nice to have that extra damage option, especially in a game mode where you don’t recharge gadgets. Who knows when you’ll need a quick burst of damage in a small closed-off area?

Use these builds to the best of your ability, and aim to complete the Terminal Attack contract as soon as you can. Most of this equipment requires a beefy amount of VR, the in-game currency, so make sure you know how to earn VR quickly.

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