The next major update for Thunderful and Sand Sailor Studios’ Viking survival tribe builder ASKA is set to release on March 13, bringing with it a new lake biome, outpost cores, and village spawn rate changes.
Updates coming to ASKA March 13 include the following:
- New Lake Biome – ASKA’s new lake biome will give players the chance to enjoy the seashore. Lakes are abundant in fish, reeds, and willows, and fishermen huts and houses can be constructed on the lakeshore for players to utilize resources.Â
- Outpost Cores – ASKA players can now build proper outposts for villagers and assign builders and resource markers to particular outposts.Â
- Villager Spawn Rate Changes – Villagers can now spawn with variable times based on population – the fewer players one has, the quicker they will spawn. This, in turn, will allow players to get off to a faster start. However, if a player has super high populations, villagers will then take longer to obtain.Â
- Builder House – ASKA now lets players prioritize builder activities and assign the Firekeeper role.
- Tier 2 Upgrades – Bloomery, Metalworker, Leatherworker, Farm, Cookhouse and more will be available for Tier 2 upgrades.Â
ASKA is currently in Early Access – all those interested in checking it out can pick up the title for the PC via Steam.
Feeling social? Fans can join the official ASKA Discord channel and can follow the official Twitter/X social media channel.

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