
Rainbow Six Siege Y7S3.3 patch adds abusive text chat penalty

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Watch those typing fingers, because the Rainbow Six Siege Y7S3.3 update has rolled out with the new system for identifying and interdicting toxic text chat in game. With this initial deployment of the system, players are getting a ‘grace period’ before the fully-featured anti-toxicity system kicks in later on in the competitive multiplayer game.

As Ubisoft discussed in the Operation Brutal Swarm patch notes, the abusive text chat penalty does pretty much exactly what it says on the box: when it detects too many hateful and abusive messages in the Rainbow Six Siege text chat from a specific player, it will activate a penalty that mutes that player for their next 30 matches.

During the initial grace period, however, that penalty won’t kick in – instead, starting today, players will get warnings when they’ve crossed a threshold for the text chat filter.

There’s now a Reputation tile on the home screen in Rainbow Six Siege, which you can click to take you to the Reputation Centre. Here, you’ll find information on any active penalties and the number of remaining matches during which they’ll be active. Ubisoft says this will expand with more information as the reputation system grows and evolves.

That system also includes the reverse friendly fire system Ubisoft fully implemented in August. That system also included a grace period, which lasted about two months.

You can check out the full Y7S3.3 patch notes here.

Find out everything about the newest Rainbow Six Siege operator Grim, who arrived with the start of Operation Brutal Swarm, to prep for your next Siege-a-thon.

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