
Fuse Box and Paternoster Engine Room puzzle guide

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After Elster falls down the elevator shaft in Signalis, she’ll find herself in the B5 area of the facility. While you can check various rooms and floors, there are some important tasks that you’ll want to do first. Here’s our Signalis guide to help you get the Fuse for the Paternoster Engine Room puzzle. It’ll let you activate the Paternoster Lift to make exploration easier.

Note: We’ll have a Signalis guides and features hub soon, so stay tuned.


Signalis: Fuse Box and Paternoster Engine Room puzzle guide

B5 area

The B5 area of Signalis has the Paternoster Engine Room Generator puzzle (seen in the featured image). The Maintenance Room to the right also has a save point, and there’s a key on the desk. It’ll let you open the door at the far-left. This is the Flood Overflow section, and it’s got a ladder that leads to B6.

The door leading to B6 is open, but the others (B7 and B8) are locked. You’d have to loop around those floors and open them from the other side.

B6 to B7

As you can see in the image below, you’ll have to go around the entire B6 area, which is crawling with enemies. You can enter some of the rooms here, but I suggest focusing on the task at hand. That means heading all the way to the Arar Dorm in the south.

Note: The other map screenshots you’ll see in this guide were taken after solving all the puzzles in this area. As such, some sections appear fully explore.

Getting the Fuse

Drop down the hole in Arar Dorm and you’ll be in the Star Dorm (B7). Just across from that is the Dining Room. Check the kitchen counter and grab the Fuse.

You won’t be able to get back up through the hole, so the only option is to, you guessed it, loop around until you reach the Flood Overflow. Unlock the door there and climb the ladder back to B5.

Fuse Box and Paternoster Engine Room Generator puzzle

Head back to the Paternoster Engine Room and slap on that component so you can do the Fuse Box puzzle in Signalis. The goal here is to have the voltage match the values to the right (i.e., the top row must have 800V, and the bottom row must have 230V).

When you do flip a switch, it’ll change the value for both rows, so you have to select the correct ones in order. Here’s what causes the values to change:

  • Yellow edges with black center – multiplies the base value by the number on the switch
  • Yellow and blue – subtracts the number on the switch from the base value
  • Red circle with white center – adds the number on the switch to the base value

Signalis Fuse Box Paternoster Engine Room Generator Puzzle Paternoster Lift Guide 2az

Here’s the short version (in case what you see on your end is similar to what I got):

  • rightmost switch
  • second from the left
  • second from the right
  • middle

Signalis Fuse Box Paternoster Engine Room Generator Puzzle Paternoster Lift Guide 2bz

With that, you’d be able to solve the Fuse Box and Paternoster Engine Room Generator puzzle in Signalis. This activates the Paternoster Looping Lift, allowing you to go back and forth the southern portions of B6, B7, and, most importantly, B8, which is finally reachable.

Anyway, while you’re free to roam around and solve other puzzles, I would suggest grabbing another important item: the Flashlight Module.

Signalis Fuse Box Paternoster Engine Room Generator Puzzle Paternoster Lift Guide 2cz

Signalis is available via Steam.

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