The browser-based game Infinite Craft has taken the Internet by storm with its crazy combination and seemingly endless possibilities. Getting started with Infinite Craft is easy enough, but you’ll eventually hit a wall as you try to create specific things.
Some basic materials like Metal are shockingly hard to create, and sometimes the game will give you something completely random even if you’re deliberately trying to discover a certain item or ingredient. This guide contains a complete list of every crafting recipe that has been discovered in Infinite Craft, so it should be able to help you on your journey to create the rarest combinations in the game.
Related: How to make Batman in Infinite Craft
Every Crafting Recipe in Infinite Craft
Item | First Ingredient | Second Ingredient |
Abominable Snowman | Water + Yeti | Yeti |
Adam | Mud | Venus |
Adobe | Brick | Mud |
Adobe Flash | Adobe | Steamboat |
Alchemist | Scientist | Pyromancer |
Alfred | Batman | Wisdom |
Alligator | Swamp | Trump |
Alimony | Money | Divorce |
Amazon | Jungle | River |
Amber | Cologne | Fossil |
America | Rainbow | Continent |
Ammonite | Fossil | Roll |
Ancient | Ruins | Town |
Android | Software | Planet |
Angel | Human | Eternity |
Anime | Japan | America |
Anniversary | Birthday | Marriage |
Apple | Fruit | Adam |
Apple Pie | Fruit Tree | America |
Aquaman | Metropolis | Atlantis |
Aragorn | Lord of the Rings | Sword |
Ariel | Whale | Vase |
Arsonist | Stalker | Fire |
Art | Drawing | Mountain |
Arwen | Aragorn | Love |
Asia | Ash | Continent |
Ash | Fire | Tree |
Athens | Ancient | Town |
Atlantis | Island | Ocean |
Atlas | Titan | Earth |
Avalanche | Wind | Mountain |
Baby Dinosaur | Dinosaur | Egg |
Baby Lovebird | Lovebird | Lovebird |
Bacon | Pig | Fire |
Baconator | Volcano | Bacon |
Bank | Money | Zombie |
Bat | Black | Vampire |
Batman | Bat | Bat |
Battle | War | War |
Best Friend | Friendship | Friendship |
Big Bang | Time | Universe |
Bigfoot | Golem | Loch Ness Monster |
Bird | Kite | Eagle |
Birthday Cake | Cake | Cake |
Bitcoin | Coin | Pop Tart |
Beauty and the Beast | Beauty | King Kong |
Black Hole | Galaxy | Galaxy |
Blizzard | Snow | Wind |
Bog | Swamp | Swamp |
Book | Paper | Paper |
Bonsai | Japan | Tree |
Boulder | Godzilla | Rock |
Box | Pandora | Beauty |
Breakfast | Egg | Bacon |
Brick | Clay | Clay |
Bride | Wedding | Beauty |
Brownies | Mud | Chocolate |
Bullet | Glass | Train |
Bullet Train | Train | Rice |
Burnt Toast | Toast | Fire |
Butter | Toast | Oil |
C-3PO | Lightsaber | Robot |
Caboose | Train | Hut |
Cactus | Desert | Plant |
Cake | Butter | Egg |
Canada | USA | North America |
Cannon | Fire | Ship |
Cannonball | Fire | Cannon |
Captain | Frankenstein | Shipwreck |
Captain Beefheart | Captain | Electric Zombie Orchestra |
Captain Hook | Pirate | Dragon |
Captain Sushi | Captain Beefheart | Sushi |
Casino | Gambling | Divorce |
Castle | House | War |
Chef | Egg | Omelet |
Chest | Pirate | Treasure |
China | Chinese | Island |
Chinese | Asia | Human |
Chocolate | Mud | Rainforest |
Choo Choo | Train | Pirate |
Christmas Tree | Pine | Battery |
Chuck Norris | Serial Killer | Vomit |
Clark Kent | Man | Superman |
Clay | Mud | Mud |
Cloud | Wind | Steam |
Cloud Strife | Cloud | Greatsword |
Coin | Mud | Metal |
Cologne | Alcohol | Perfume |
Computer | System | Fire |
Conductor | Train | Captain |
Confucius | Book | Chinese |
Continent | Island | Island |
Cough | Pencil | Sick |
Cough Syrup | Cough | Alcohol |
Crispy | Bacon | Fire |
Crypto | Bitcoin | Toast |
Cthulhu | Kraken | Frankenstein |
Cupid | Vase | Pegasus |
Cruise Ship | Bullet Train | Boat |
Cryptozoology | Loch Ness Monster | Bigfoot |
Daisy Duck | Donald Duck | Donald Duck |
Dandelion | Flower | Wind |
Dandelion Patch | Dandelion | Dandelion |
Darth Vader | Light Saber | Dragon |
Death | Life | Vampire |
Death Note | Death | Anime |
Death Star | Star Wars | Planet |
Defenestration | Vomit | Window |
Dengue | Mosquito | Egg |
Desert | Sand | Sand |
Dinosaur | Rainbow | Fossil |
Divorce | Marriage | Love |
Doctor | Sickness | Wisdom |
Donald Duck | Duck | Hot Air Balloon |
Donkey | Kong | Oil |
Drawing | Pencil | Earth |
Dracula | Vampire | Earth |
Dragon | Swamp | Fire |
Dragon Ball | Goku | Asia |
Dragon Ball Z | Fight | Anime |
Dragon Ball Z Kai | Dragon Ball Z | Time |
Dragonborn | Splitting Pains | Dragon |
Duck | Dandelion Patch | Lake |
Dust | Wind | Earth |
Eagle | Kite | Mountain |
Eclipse | Sun | Open |
Egg | Dinosaur | Dinosaur |
Einstein | Newton | Newton |
Electric Guitar | Lightning | Music |
Electric Zombie Orchestra | Zombie Orchestra | Tesla |
Electricity | Windmill | Wind |
Elf | Arwen | Swamp |
Elon Musk | Casino | Tesla |
Elon Gambling | Elon Musk | Gambling |
Elon Zeus | Elon Musk | Zeus |
Elvis | Wedding | Rockstar |
Elvis Presley | Elvis | Bacon |
Energy | Windmill | Fire |
Engine | Steam | Fire |
Eruption | Wind | Volcano |
Emo | Mermaid | Goth |
Eternity | Time | Europe |
Europe | Fjord | Continent |
Eurovision | Japan | Europe |
Excalibur | Mud | Sword |
Explosion | Energy | Fire |
Eve | Adam | Venus |
Farmer | Man | Earth |
Femac | iMac | Feminist |
Femboy | Femac | Tomboy |
Feminist | Woman | Hypothesis |
Fight | Battle | War |
Firefighter | Arsonist | Mirror |
Fireman | Doctor | Arsonist |
Fire King | Fireman | King |
Fire Truck | Firefighter | Firefighter |
Fire Queen | Fire King | Marriage |
Fish | Water | Ocean |
Fishing Rod | Hook | Hook |
Fishbowl | Water | Fish |
Fisherman | Fish | Fishing |
Fjord | Lake | Mountain |
Flock | Bird | Bird |
Flower | Plant | Rain |
Fog | Water | Smoke |
Fool | Stupid | King |
Forest | Tree | Tree |
Fortress | Superman | House |
Fortress of Solitude | Superman | Castle |
Fossil | Plant | Stone |
Fragrance | Perfume | Rose |
Frankenstein | Swamp | Electricity |
Freedom | America | Rainbow |
Friendship | Frodo | Legolas |
Frodo | Hobbit | Lord of the Rings |
Frog | Fish | Swamp |
Frog Prince | Kermit | Cupid |
Frogger | Frog | Truck |
Fruit | Sun | Tree |
Fruit Tree | Fruit | Fruit |
Fuel | Oil | Fire |
Gambling | Rockstar | Vegas |
Garden | Love | Earth |
Galaxy | Star | Star |
Germany | Berlin | Dust |
Girlfriend | Best Friend | Love |
Glass | Obsidian | Steam |
God | Universe | Eternity |
Godzilla | Dinosaur | Japan |
Gohan | Goku | Mountain |
Goku | Dragon Ball Z | Anime |
Gold | Treasure | Engine |
Golem | Swamp | Zombie |
Goth | Black | Passion |
Gotham | Batman | Castle |
Greatsword | Longsword | Longsword |
Grim Reaper | Death | Death |
Hangwish | Hangover | Wish |
Hammerhead | Shark | Pork |
Harry Potter | Hogwarts | Book |
Hatsune Miku | Android | J-pop |
Hawaii | Island | Volcano |
Hawaii Five-O | Napoleon Complex | Hawaii |
Heart | Love | Wind |
Hera | Zeus | Divorce |
Hero | Zeus | Hercules |
Hercules | Hydra | Zeus |
Hobbit | Lord of the Rings | House |
Hogwarts | Wizard | School |
Hook | Captain Hook | Peter Pan |
Hot Air Balloon | Dandelion Patch | Steam |
House | Window | Glass |
Human | Rebirth | Zombie |
Human | Adam | Eve |
Hypothesis | Theory | Theory |
Hydra | Dragon | Monster |
Ice | Snow | Water |
Iceberg | Titan | Water |
Igor | Conductor | Frankenstein |
iMac | Mountain Dew | Apple |
Incense | Plant | Smoke |
Island | Ocean | Earth |
Jack | Titanic | Pirate |
Jail Break | Jail | Bomb |
Japan | Continent | Tea |
J-pop | Japan | Electric Guitar |
Jedi | Star Wars | Lightsaber |
Jedi Pig | Lightsaber | Pig |
Jungle | Rainforest | Rainforest |
Kaleidoscope | Mirror | Mirror |
Kamehameha | Goku | Water |
Kermit | Miss Piggy | Fight |
Kindle | Amazon | Computer |
King | Palace | Stupid |
Kingdom | Palace | Castle |
King Kong | Godzilla | Dinosaur |
Kite | Tea | Wind |
Knight Rider | Lightsaber | Car |
Kraken | Sea Serpent | Pirate |
Kung Fu | Goku | Chinese |
Lake | Water | Water |
Laser | Lightning | Bullet |
Lava | Fire | Earth |
Lego | Star Wars | Brick |
Legolas | Elf | Lord of the Rings |
Lens | Glass | Fire |
Leprechaun | Pot of Gold | Warrior |
Life | Venus | Steam |
Lightning | Fire | Cloud |
Lightsaber | Laser | Sword |
Loch Ness | Swamp | Island |
Loch Ness Monster | Swamp | Monster |
Longsword | Sword | Sword |
Lord of the Rings | Ring | King |
Love | Mermaid | Prince |
Lovebird | Parrot | Cupid |
Luigi | Mario | Smoke |
Mangrove | Tree | Swamp |
Marriage | Wedding | Love |
Mario | Mushroom | Tsunami |
Mars | Elon Musk | SpaceX |
Marsh | Swamp | Water |
Medusa | Mirror | Stone |
Mermaid | Donkey | Sea |
Metal | Rock | Oxygen |
Meteor | Rock | Tornado |
Metropolis | City | City |
Milky Way | Solar System | Fjord |
Mirage | Desert | Ocean |
Mirror | Glass | Obsidian |
Miss Piggy | Pig | Beauty |
Money | Gold | Tornado |
Monster | Loch Ness | Wind |
Moon | Earth | Reflection |
Moonstone | Moon | Stone |
Mountain | Earth | Earth |
Mountain Dew | Mountain | Dandelion |
Movie | Popcorn | Love |
Mud | Steam | Earth |
Mule | Donkey | Farm |
Multiverse | Universe | Universe |
Music | Rock | Roll |
Musk | Rose | Elon Gambling |
Musketeer | Musk | Zeus |
Mushroom | Fog | Plant |
Napoleon | Europe | Time Machine |
Napoleon Bonaparte | Napoleon Dynamite | Star |
Napoleon Complex | Napoleon Bonaparte | Paradox |
Napoleon Dynamite | Big Bang | Napoleon |
Narwhal | Fish | Unicorn |
Naruto | Anime | Ninja |
Newton | Apple | Stone |
Ninja | China | Warrior |
Oasis | Desert | Water |
Obsidian | Stone | Lava |
Ocean | Water | Lake |
Oink | Pig | Mirror |
Olympus | Zeus | Titan |
Omelet | Pancake | Egg |
Open | Window | Perfume |
Orchestra | Conductor | Clay |
Otaku | Anime | Computer |
Owl | Bird | Flashlight |
Owlfish | Owl | Fish |
Oxygen | Rainforest | Plant |
Palace | House | Oasis |
Palm | Desert | Tree |
Pancake | Breakfast | Cake |
Panda | Black | Pig |
Pandora | Panda | Beauty |
Pandapig | Panda | Pig |
Pangaea | Continent | Continent |
Paparazzi | Stalker | Movie |
Paper | Fuel | Tree |
Paradox | Multiverse | Time Travel |
Parrot | Bird | Garden |
Passion | Love | Fire |
Patrick | SpongeBob | Love |
Peach | Princess | Toadstool |
Pencil | Ash | Tree |
Perfume | Incense | Water |
Peter Griffin | Baconator | Quagmire |
Peter Pan | Captain Hook | Fire |
Pie | Apple | America |
Pie Fight | Apple Pie | Fight |
Pig | Rainbow | Mud |
Piggy Bank | Pigpen | Treasure |
Pigpen | Mud | Pig |
Pigsty | Pig | House |
Pikachu | Pokémon | Anime |
Pikasushi | Pikachu | Sushi |
Pina Colada | Alcohol | Pineapple |
Pine | Smell | Forest |
Pirate | Ship | Dragon |
Planet | Earth | Dust |
Plant | Water | Earth |
PlayStation | Final Fantasy VII | Software |
Pluto | Napoleon Complex | Planet |
Poison | Sushi | Pufferfish |
Pokemon | Anime | Fish |
Polly | Parrot | Fireman |
Poor | Poverty | Divorce |
Popcorn | Butter | Toast |
Pop Tart | Toast | Energy |
Poseidon | Zeus | Tsunami |
Pot | Pottery | Hut |
Pot of Gold | Rainbow | Treasure |
Pottery | Clay | Coin |
Poverty | Alimony | Divorce |
Prayer Water | Prayer | Water |
Prince | Frog | Cupid |
Princess | Mule | Beauty |
Princess Peach | Daisy Duck | Toadstool |
Prison Cake | Cake | Jail |
Professor | University | Fish |
Prometheus | Titan | Fire |
Psychopath | Sicko | Love |
Pufferfish | Fish | Dandelion |
Pyromancer | Professor | Fire |
Quagmire | Swamp | Mud |
Rain | Cloud | Earth |
Rainbow | Rain | Fire |
Rainforest | Rain | Forest |
Rally | Mud | Car |
Rapunzel | Princess | Ruin |
Reflection | Mirror | Ghost |
Rice | Sushi | Earth |
Ring | Heart | Metal |
Robber | Train | Bank |
Robbery | Robber | Divorce |
Rock | Rock and Roll | Vase |
Rock and Roll | Elvis Presley | Electric Guitar |
Rockstar | Electric Guitar | Conductor |
Roll | Sushi | Seaweed |
Ronin | Samurai | Ninja |
Rose | Flower | Beauty |
Rose | Jack | Titanic |
Ruin | Rain | Sandcastle |
Sail | Wind | Ship |
Sailor Moon | Anime | Frankenstein |
Sasuke | Ninja | Sword |
Saiyan | Goku | Flower |
Salmon | Fish | Waterfall |
Samurai | Japan | Warrior |
Sand | Dust | Dust |
Sandbox | Desert | Software |
Sandcastle | Beach | Sand |
Sandstorm | Desert | Storm |
Sashimi | Sushi | Rain |
Sasquatch | Bigfoot | Swamp |
Scent | Perfume | Perfume |
Scientist | Professor | Earth |
Sea Monster | Water | Monster |
Sea Serpent | Water | Dragon |
Seaweed | Fish | Plant |
Serial Killer | Stalker | Psychopath |
Shark Tank | Shark | Oil |
Ship | Water | Island |
Shipwreck | Tornado | Pirate |
Sick | Dengue | Vacation |
Sickness | Divorce | Sick |
Sicko | Movie | Sick |
Siren | Mermaid | Bacon |
Smell | Perfume | Steam |
Smoke | Wind | Fire |
Smoker | Cigarette | Smoke |
Sniper | Gun | Telescope |
Snow | Avalanche | Steam |
Snowman | Rain | Yeti |
Socrates | Athens | Loch Ness Monster |
Software | System | Computer |
Soil | Earth | Ash |
Solar System | Sun | Galaxy |
Solar | Sun | Fire |
SpaceX | Elon Musk | Divorce |
Spain | Sand | Europe |
Spider-Man | Venom | Universe |
Splitting Pains | Divorce | Window |
SpongeBob | Squidward | Heart |
Squidward | Squid | Tourist |
Stalker | Psychopath | Love |
Star | Planet | Planet |
Star Wars | Star | Lightsaber |
Steam | Water | Fire |
Steamboat | Hawaii | Steam Engine |
Steam Engine | Steam | Money |
Steam Locomotive | Steam Engine | Energy |
Stone | Earth | Lava |
Storm | Rain | Wind |
Stupid | Donkey | Cupid |
Sun | Star | Fire |
Superman | Goku | America |
Super Saiyan | Goku | Dragon Ball Z |
Sushi | Mountain | Seaweed |
Sushi Chef | Sushi Hero | Cruise Ship |
Sushi Hero | Sushi King | Hero |
Sushi King | Sushi | King |
Sushi Zombie | Sushi | Electric Zombie Orchestra |
Superman | Aquaman | Metropolis |
Super Mario | Mario | Mushroom |
Swamp | Lake | Earth |
Sword | Blade | Blade |
System | Planet | Solar |
T-Rex | Death | Dinosaur |
T-Rump | T-Rex | Trump |
Tea | Plant | Steam |
Tea-zilla | Godzilla | Tea |
Telescope | Sun | Star |
Tent | Perfume | Hut |
Terrorist | Bomb | Freedom |
Tesla | Car | Electricity |
Tesla Coil | Tesla | Swamp |
Theater | Movie | Popcorn |
Theory | Einstein | Mountain |
Therapist | Doctor | Devil |
Thunder | Lightning | Beauty |
Thunderstruck | Electric Zombie Orchestra | Lightning |
Tidal Wave | Golem | Tsunami |
Time | Paradox | Time Paradox |
Timebomb | Clock | Bomb |
Time Machine | Wormhole | Time Travel |
Time Paradox | Black Hole | Time Travel |
Time Travel | Black Hole | Wormhole |
Titan | Kraken | Earth |
Titanic | Captain | Tsunami |
Titanic II | Titanic | Tesla |
Titanic III | Titanic II | Elon Musk |
Titanic IV | Titanic III | Tsunami |
Titanic Orchestra | Titanic IV | Orchestra |
Toadstool | Fog | Mushroom |
Toast | Breakfast | Fire |
Toaster Strudel | Pop Tart | Energy |
Tokyo | Godzilla | Island |
Tomboy | Child | Feminist |
Tornado | Wind | Wind |
Tornatroll | Troll | Tornado |
Tourist | Vacation | Statue |
Toxic | Poison | Poison |
Tractor | Mud | Engine |
Train | Steam | Engine |
Treasure | Pirate | Earth |
Treasure Map | Map | Pencil |
Tree | Earth | Plant |
Troll | Earth | Monster |
Truck | Box | Car |
Trump | America | Drunk |
Trump Cake | Trump | Cake |
Tsunami | Water | Tornado |
Twilight | Vampire | Love |
Unicorn | Godzilla | Rainbow |
Universe | Galaxy | Black Hole |
University | School | School |
USA | America | Sun |
Vacation | Pina Colada | Ocean |
Vampire | Mirror | Bullet |
Vantablack | Mirror | Black |
Vase | Wedding | Pottery |
Vegas | Elvis Presley | Divorce |
Vegeta | Goku | Earth |
Venice | Water | Metropolis |
Venom | Toxic | Poison |
Venus | Planet | Fog |
Venus Flytrap | Monster | Flower |
Vodka | Money | Water |
Volcano | Mountain | Earth |
Vomit | Burnt Toast | Sick |
Wall | Trump | Party |
War | China | Japan |
Warrior | Amazon | War |
Waterfall | Mountain | Rain |
Wave | Water | Wind |
Wedding | Wine | Castle |
Windfarm | Windmill | Windmill |
Windmill | Engine | Wind |
Window | Glass | Glass |
Wine | Plant | Alcohol |
Wisdom | Owl | Smoke |
Wish | Genie | Lamp |
Wormhole | Black Hole | Black Home |
Xbox | PlayStation | Poor |
Yer a Wizard, Harry | Harry Potter | Y |
Yeti | Blizzard | Monster |
Yoda | Star Wars | Chocolate |
Zeus | Titan | Wind |
Zombie | Human | Explosion |
Zombie Orchestra | Titanic Orchestra | Zombie |
With that, you now know every recipe that has been discovered so far in Infinite Craft! Since the game is so massive, people are discovering new combinations every day so this post will be updated regularly with everything that the community comes up with. There’s a new First Discovery happening every few minutes, so jump in and experiment to see what you can find!