Image: NetherRealm Studios
What made Mortal Kombat unique and changed the video game industry forever, more than the motion capture animation, were the fatalities. Such violence, such gore, but such beauty in its conception as animation success. Mortal Kombat 1 acts as a reset for the story and the franchise, and now with known and returning characters on the line, will the fatalities keep up with this important milestone? Let us discover all Mortal Kombat 1 fatalities and how to perform them.
Main Roster Fatalities – Mortal Kombat 1
Before we begin with our merciless fatalities, there are a couple of terms and equivalences we have to make to keep things in order. First of all, each fatality has three different distances in which they need to be performed for them to work properly in the game. Otherwise, you will get the infamous one-man punch/kick of death, and we all know that it is the most anti-climatic thing in video game history. Here are the fatality distances, explained:
- Close*: Barely one step from your opponent, almost touching him.
- Mid*: Approximately three to six steps from your opponent.
- Far*: More than six steps from your opponent.
*: You can always practice each of the characters’ fatalities to get a hold of the exact distance for each of them.
Finally, regarding fatality inputs, to make things more universal, we have decided to use the number system for the controller inputs. These will replace the Front and Back Punches and Kicks so that it reads a bit better. Here are the equivalences to the controller inputs:
- 1: Front Punch (PlayStation: Square; Xbox: X; Switch; Y)
- 2: Back Punch (PlayStation: Triangle; Xbox: Y; Switch; X)
- 3: Front Kick (PlayStation: X; Xbox: A; Switch; B)
- 4: Back Kick (PlayStation: Square; Xbox: X; Switch; Y)
- Block: PlayStation: R2; Xbox: RT; Switch; ZR
- Kameo: PlayStation: R1; Xbox: RB; Switch; R
Heavenly Light (Mid)
Down, Forward, Down, 2
Fatality 2 (Mid)
Down, Down, Back, 4
Split Decision (Close)
Back, Forward, Down, 1
Fatality 2 (Close)
Forward, Back, Down, 4
General Shao
Spin Cycle (Mid)
Back, Forward, Down, 1
Fatality 2 (Mid)
Down, Forward, Back, 1
Sand Storm (Mid)
Forward, Down, Down, 4
Fatality 2 (Close)
Down, Forward, Back, 1
Atomic Heart (Close)
Down, Forward, Down, 4
Fatality 2 (Close)
Forward, Back, Down, 2
Johnny Cage
Hollywood Walk of Pain (Close)
Forward, Back, Down, 2
Fatality 2 (Mid to Far)
Forward, Down, Back, 4
Blended (Close)
Forward, Down, Down, 2
Fatality 2 (Mid)
Back, Down, Back, 1
Royal Blender (Far)
Down, Forward, Down, 4
Fatality 2 (Close)
Down, Down, Back, 4
Kung Lao
Lao’d And Clear (Mid)
Back, Forward, Back, 4
Fatality 2 (Close)
Back, Down, Down, 3
Li Mei
Roman Candle (Close)
Forward, Back, Forward, 3
Fatality 2 (Close)
Back, Forward, Down, 4
Liu Kang
Double Dragon (Close)
Down, Forward, Back, 4
Fatality 2 (Close)
Back, Forward, Back, 3
Appetizer (Close)
Back, Forward, Back, 1
Fatality 2 (Close)
Down, Forward, Back, 3
Vaeternus KomBAT (Mid)
Down, Down, Back, 1
Fatality 2 (Mid to Far)
Back, Down, Back, 4
The Storm’s Arrival (Close)
Back, Forward, Back, 2
Raiden Fatality 2 (Mid or Far)
Down, Forward, Back, 1
The Red Sea (Close)
Down, Down, Back, 4
Fatality 2 (Mid)
Down, Forward, Back, 3
The Impaler (Mid)
Down, Down, Back, 2
Fatality 2 (Close)
Back, Down, Down, 4
Indigestion (Mid)
Forward, Back, Down, 4
Fatality 2 (Close)
Forward, Back, Down, 3
Eye-Palling Victory (Mid)
Down, Forward, Back, Block
Fatality 2 (Mid)
Back, Forward, Back, 2
Shang Tsung
Side Effects (Close)
Back, Down, Down, 4
Fatality 2 (Mid)
Forward, Down, Back, 2
Hair Comes Trouble (Mid)
Down, Back, Down, 1
Fatality 2 (Mid to Far)
Back, Forward, Back, 2
Hazed and Infused (Any)
Back, Forward, Down, 1
Fatality 2 (Any)
Down, Forward, Back, 2
Fracture (Any)
Forward, Down, Down, 2
Fatality 2 (Close)
Forward, Back, Down, 4
Helping Hands (Close)
Down, Back, Down, 3
Fatality 2 (Mid)
Back, Forward, Down, 2
Related: Mortal Kombat 1 beta impressions: A return to form
Kameo Fatalities – Mortal Kombat 1
Each kameo fighter will also be able to perform a fatality with an obvious nod to the classic Mortal Kombat games. You will be able to use it after beating your opponents. Just remember who you picked and you will be ready to deliver a nostalgia-driven fatality.
Annihilation (Mid)
Forward, Back, Forward, Kameo
Armed and Dangerous (Mid)
Down, Back, Forward, Kameo
Breaking Point (Mid)
Back, Down, Back, Kameo
Prince of Pain (Close)
Back, Forward, Down, Kameo
Big Boot (Far)
Down, Forward, Down, Kameo
Heart Ripper (Mid)
Back, Down, Forward, Kameo
Kung Lao
Klean Kut (Mid)
Forward, Back, Forward, Kameo
Brain Blast (Mid)
Forward, Down, Down, Kameo
Inner Demon (Mid)
Back, Down, Back, Kameo
Toasty!!! (Mid)
Down, Forward, Down, Kameo
Kompactor (Mid)
Back, Forward, Back, Kameo
Five Point Strike (Mid)
Down, Back, Down, Kameo
Kiss (Mid)
Back, Forward, Down, Kameo
Safety Vest (Mid)
Forward, Down, Forward, Kameo
Spine Rip (Mid)
Forward, Down, Forward, Kameo