
All Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 console commands and cheats

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What are the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 console commands and cheats? Life in Bohemia is tough; in the beginning, you have to fight for every meal, you’re forced to use sub-par gear, and your skills are so low that you won’t be able to hit a barn door with an arrow at ten paces. Console commands and cheats can change that, though, if you’re so inclined.

Even with the best KCD2 swords and KCD2 armor, you can struggle on occasion in the sprawling open-world RPG that is Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Your enemies are numerous, and it can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, even hours into your adventure. With KCD2 console commands, you can turn the tide and get the upper hand with ease.

How to use KCD2 console commands

To utilize console commands in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, you first need to enable devmode. To do this:

  • Right-click on Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 on Steam
  • Go to ‘Properties’
  • Add the line ‘-devmode’ into launch options

Once you have made these changes, you’ll be able to open the console in-game using the tilde key (~), and the codes below should work.

To use these console commands, open the console in-game and enter one of these codes. If done correctly, the code should take effect immediately.

All KCD2 console commands and cheats

While you can type ‘?_’ into the console to see a list of every console command, it can be difficult to understand exactly what most of them do. We have collated a list of all the console commands and cheats and what they do below to give you a place to start.

KCD2 cheats

These codes are all small lines of text that must be entered into the console, usually followed by an additional line that tells the code what you want it to do. It sounds complicated, but it’s quite simple once you get your head around it. For example: to add an item to your inventory, you would type the cheat for adding an item, then press space, and then you would enter the code of the item you want.

KDC2 console commands list

  • wh_cheat_money: add a number after this code and that amount of groschen will be added to your inventory.
  • we_sys_nosavepotion = 1: allows you to save your game whenever you like without the need for Saviour Schnapps.
  • cheat_set_wanted_level=0: stop guards from searching for you.
  • wh_cheat_additem: this allows you to add an item to your inventory by entering an item code after this console command.
  • wh_plshowfirecursor 1: your reticle remains even when aiming with a bow or gun.
  • cl_fov: add a number after this to change your field of view.
  • wh_pl_lockpickingshakeoverride = 0: removes shake when attempting to lockpick.
  • wh_ui_showhud = 0: moves all HUD elements.
  • wh_horse_stealcurrenthorse: turn a stolen horse into your mount.
  • wh_horse_lumpgravitymult = 0: changing the number will adjust the level of gravity that affects your horse. -1 means you’ll enter orbit.
  • wh_lockpickingdof = 50: increased the amount of time you can lockpick before your pick breaks.
  • wh_rpg_oneshotkill = 1: enables one-shot kills for everyone. Be careful.

KCD2 Item IDs


  • Strong Saviour Schnapps – 3d4a8904-98f1-464a-9b3e-d3926b835804
  •  Strong Marigold Decoction – b4e0af8c-3ed7-40ed-8537-7772489832c8
  •  Lockpick – 8d76f58e-a521-4205-a7e8-9ac077eee5f0
  • Cobbler’s Kit – 238538b5-cd3e-460e-8e85-52c820edb716
  • Blacksmith’s Kit – C707733a-c0a7-4f02-b684-9392b0b15b83
  • Tailor’s Kit – 9f7a0c0a-6458-4622-9cc5-2f4dd4898b50
  • Cooked Chicken – 4eed0a2b-1233-40b4-88f5-7f67de916b58
  • Smoked Sausage – 29a4f58e-6e00-4f9c-9273-1a76e0eccff0

Weapons and armor

  • Reforged Radzig’s Sword – 62096670-22ca-473c-adc3-bc63a9369550
  • Dry Devil’s Longsword – 9fab5004-c2bc-4f9a-af62-8b3b82aa3bb5
  • Executioner’s Sword – 44a65a44-426a-4a3d-9d41-3629a7be0e38
  • Lavish Warhammer – 8cfad378-f16e-418f-b8a7-2a23ae724932
  • Skalitz Axe – 0802c111-75aa-4b9c-9a3f-f30bac55fbc7
  • Artemis’ Crossbow – 54ec9f69-6a42-44f3-aa83-836cc2e9a8f3
  • Warhorse Gauntlets – 9403ad41-7eea-451b-836f-32ba034ef3bb
  • Warhorse Plate Leg Armor – 954afcac-c0ab-41ce-9e37-6a7fb4e55b1e
  • Warhorse Brigandine Sleeves – f2813ad4-32ed-4bdd-920c-2ca7fbec4e7a
  • Warhorse Pourpoint – 1ffc3ad5-4d06-4dfb-b384-bcd45edf37f3
  • Warhorse Waffenrock – 660a39ee-f440-4dd4-a412-4b89d1bad7f5
  • Warhorse boots – dacee2bf-6394-47b8-b7b7-175cd9a60b94

KCD2 Cutpurse set item ID

While you can check out the KCD2 Twitch drops to get your hands on the stealthy armor set, you can also utilize console commands and item IDs to get the Cutpurse set instantly.

Here are the item IDs for the KCD2 Cutpurse set:

  • Cutpurse gambeson – 71ac5966-90bf-4406-bba9-6c75f81ac20f
  • Cutpurse hood – d172564b-6b94-4df5-93df-84093a657f42
  • Cutpurse trousers – 80cb6275-db4a-46a1-91d3-f24a5f4dfe88
  • Cutpurse gloves – ef7d8509-667b-4d7f-920c-b22fcf646e18
  • Cutpurse shoes – 86eb09e2-7dcb-4c46-a357-a70c3749ba33

Now that you have all Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 console commands and cheats under your belt, there isn’t a thing in Bohemia that can stop you. If you want to take a walk on the slightly less moral side, take a look at our KCD2 lockpicking guide to find out how you can make other people’s possessions yours. We also have a complete KCD2 map guide with every key location, plus a list of all the KCD2 quests to seek out.