
Apex Legends Broken Moon has a family of Space Nessies

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Season 15 is underway and that means the new Apex Legends Broken Moon map is live – and players have discovered that the battle royale game map contains some adorable secrets. One of those is a family of Nessies, all decked out in sci-fi flight suits. One of Respawn’s level designers has said he placed the Nessie family there to represent his own nearest and dearest ones.

“My Nessies have been found,” Respawn level designer Aaron Stump said, retweeting a clip of the new map posted by streamer Punch. In the clip, Punch and friends come across the three Nessies – two large ones flanking a small, baby Nessie – in back of the Backup Atmo point of interest.

Stump explains that while he was working on Broken Moon, he and his wife had their first child, and so he placed two adult Nessies with the new baby Nessie as a way to commemorate the occasion. They’re on Broken Moon, and so they’re all wearing little space suits.

Nessie, which now appears throughout Apex Legends in the form of adorable plush toys, is a running gag and Easter Egg in Respawn games dating back to the original Titanfall. In a promotional image for that game, the image of the tower on the Colony map was burry, and looked a little like the Loch Ness Monster. Nessie’s been showing up ever since.

In fact, Stump says the family discovered by Punch’s crew isn’t alone on Broken Moon.

“There are more,” he hints. We’ll have to keep our eye out for them.

Here’s everything you need to know about Apex Legends Season 15 to stay ahead of the pack.

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