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One of the most crucial parts of character creation in Baldur’s Gate 3 is picking from all the available classes and subclasses. There are a ton of interesting classes from Dungeons & Dragons 5e, allowing you to not only pick one class, but eventually even two for multiclassing. If you’re new to the world of D&D or aren’t sure which classes and subclasses are available in Baldur’s Gate 3, let’s go over all of them.
Baldur’s Gate 3 classes and subclasses, explained
Choosing the right class is vital for the best playthrough in Baldur’s Gate 3. It will determine how you engage in combat, and what abilities you know. Gameplay changes drastically per class, and even for each subclass. Let’s dive into all the classes and subclasses available in Baldur’s Gate 3.

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Do you want a character that attacks in an unstoppable rage? Barbarian may be the right choice for you. They’re incredibly strong, but are known to go into a primal rage during the heat of battle. This allows them to deal extra damage, as well as more attacks than usual.
- Primary ability: Strength
- Class Proficiencies:
- Saving Throws: Strength and Constitution
- Choice of two Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Survival
- Armor & Weapons: Light and Medium Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons
- Class features:
- Unarmored Defense: When not wearing armor, add Constitution modifier to armor class
- Rage: When raging, you deal extra damage with melee, improvised weapons, and throwed objects
- Equipment:
- Barbarian Clothes, Leather Boots, Greataxe, two Handaxes, two Health Potions, Scroll of Revivify
- Subclasses:
- Berserker: Frenzy, Frenzied Strike, and Enraged Throw play into your rage and give you the quick ability to throw any object in an enemy’s way
- Wildheart: Bestial Heart and Speak with Animals give you boosts and allow you to talk with creatures
- Wild Magic: Wild Surge, Bolstering Magic, and Unstable Backlash give you access to the Wild Magic table for unique effects

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To be one with nature and use its magic, you can become a Druid. You’ll use the elements of nature, as well as your kinship with animals to help you. If you’re interested in transforming into different beasts, try this class.
- Primary ability: Wisdom
- Class Proficiencies:
- Saving Throws: Wisdom and Intelligence
- Weapon & Armor: Light and Medium Armor, Shields, Clubs, Daggers, Darts, Javelins, Maces, Quarterstaffs, Scimitars, Sickles, Slings, and Spears
- Choice of two Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception
- Class features:
- Cantrips: Choice of two
- Spells: One + Wisdom modifier
- Spell slots: Two level 1 spell slots
- Equipment:
- Druid Leather Armor, Grovetender Boots, Quarterstaff, two Health Potions, Scroll of Revivify
- Subclasses:
- Circle of the Land: Wild Shape and Natural Recovering allow you to take the form of a beast and replenish spell slots
- Circle of the Moon: Combat Wild Shape, Lunar Mend, and Wild Shape Bear give you a new form, quicker beast transformations, and expending slots for hit points
- Circle of Spores: Halo of Spores, Symbiotic Entity, Fungal Infestation, and Spreading Spores allow for some unique abilities with spores to harm other creatures, give you hit points, and animate the dead

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It may seem like a boring class, but in reality, Fighters are masters of combat. Their unmatched skills with weapons make for very interesting combat scenarios. Resilient and powerful, you don’t want to be on the wrong side of a Fighter.
- Primary ability: Strength
- Class Proficiencies:
- Saving throws: Strength and Constitution
- Armor & Weapons: Light, Medium, and Heavy Armor, Shields, Simple and Martial Weapons
- Choice of two Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Survival
- Class features:
- Second Wind: Once per Short or Long Rest, you can regain 1d10 + your Fighter Level in hit points
- Fighting Style choice: Archery, Defense, Dueling, Great Weapon Fighting, Protection, Two-Weapon Fighting
- Equipment:
- Scale Mail, Leather Boots, Longsword, two Health Potions, Scroll of Revivify
- Subclasses:
- Battle Master: Superiority Dice are special dice that allow you to perform cool maneuvers
- Â Eldritch Knight: You gain two level one spell slots
- Champion

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Being highly skilled scouts and trackers, Rangers are one with nature like Druids. Except this class typically uses ranged weapons like Bows and Crossbows.
- Primary ability: Dexterity
- Class Proficiencies:
- Saving throws: Strength and Dexterity
- Armor & Weapons: Light and Medium Armor, Shields, Simple and Martial Weapons
- Choice of three Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, Survival
- Class features:
- Favored Enemy: Choose one out of a few Favored Enemy options to gain certain proficiencies or spells
- Natural Explorer: Choose a type of Natural Explorer to either give you skills, a spell, or resistance to a specific element
- Spellcasting: Get one Cantrip or Level 1 Spell, depending on your Favored Enemy
- Equipment:
- Leather Armor, Leather Boots, Shortbow, Arrow of Ice, two Health Potions, Scroll of Revivify
- Subclasses:
- Hunter: Pick either Colossus Slayer, Giant Killer, or Horde Breaker, which will aid you in fights you’re at a disadvantage from.
- Beast Master: Allows you to summon a companion beast who aids you in fights and follows you during your adventures
- Gloom Stalker: Gives you plenty of unique abilities and spells, such as Gloom Stalker Magic, Dread Ambusher, Umbral Sight, Iron Mind, and Stalker’s Fury

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Masters of stealth and dexterity, Rogues are the sneakiest of the classes. No matter which subclass you choose, Rogues can get in and out of enemies’ ways with nimble feet and trickery. They also enjoy picking locks and stealing treasures.
- Primary ability: Dexterity
- Class Proficiencies:
- Saving throws: Dexterity and Intelligence
- Armor & Weapons: Light Armor, Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, and Shortswords
- Choice of four Skill Proficiencies and two Expertise: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
- Class features:
- Sneak Attack (Ranged & Melee)
- Equipment:
- Leather Armor, Leather Boots, Shortsword, Thieves’ Tools, two Grease Bottles, two Health potions, Scroll of Revivify
- Subclasses:
- Thief: Fast Hands and Second-Story Work gets you a second Bonus Action, as well as resistance to falling damage
- Arcane Trickster: Gives you additional spell slots, and Mage Hand Legerdemain, which makes your Mage Hand invisible for additional tasks
- Assassin: Assassinate gives you the advantage against creatures who haven’t taken their turn in combat yet, amongst other unique abilities

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Any character who has magic innately inside of them would be a Sorcerer. Their bloodline or gift gives them an array of spells that they’re naturally good at.
- Primary ability: Charisma
- Class Proficiencies:
- Saving throws: Constitution and Charisma
- Weapons: Daggers, Quarterstaffs, and Light Crossbows
- Choice of two Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, Religion
- Class features:
- Cantrips: Choice of four
- Spells: One + Charisma modifier
- Spell slots: Two level 1 slots
- Equipment:
- Sorcerer Robe, Simple Boots, Quarterstaff, two Health Potions, Scroll of Revivify
- Subclasses:
- Wild Magic: Tides of Chaos allows you to gain advantage on a certain roll, while also giving you access to Wild Magic
- Draconic Bloodline: Your powerful dragon ancestor still lives in your magic, giving you Draconic Resilience and Draconic Ancestry
- Storm Sorcery: Tempestuous Magic and Heart of the Storm gives you powerful wind, lightning, and thunder abilities

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Bards are the musicians, comedians, actors, and artistic party members. They love to play music on their favorite instrument, while inspiring their friends and casting spells.
- Primary ability: Charisma
- Class Proficiencies:
- Starting Instrument: Pick between a Hand Drum, Lute, Flute, Lyre, or Violin
- Saving throws: Dexterity and Charisma
- Armor & Weapons: Light Armor, Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords, and Musical Instruments
- Choice of any three skill Proficiencies
- Class features:
- Cantrips: Choose two
- Spells: One + Charisma modifier
- Spell slots: Two level 1 slots
- Equipment:
- Simple Jerkin, Leather Boots, Violin, Hand Crossbow, two Health Potions, Scroll of Revivify
- Subclasses:
- College of Lore: Your Cutting Words will lower enemies’ dice rolls, and you gain extra proficiencies
- College of Valor: Gain proficiency in Medium Armor, Shields, and Martial Weapons
- College of Swords: Receive bonus proficiencies, a new Fighting Style, Blade Flourish, and Extra Attack

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Characters in the Monk class have unparalleled skills in martial arts, being the masters of using their fists. Of course, you can use other weapons, but Monks are best known to make unarmed strikes. They also aim for spiritual perfection, as they meditate often.
- Primary ability: Dexterity and Wisdom
- Class Proficiencies:
- Saving throws: Dexterity and Strength
- Weapons: Simple weapons and Shortswords
- Choice of two Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Religion, Stealth
- Class features:
- Ki points
- Flurry of Blows
- Unarmored Defense
- Martial Arts:
- Dexterous Attacks
- Deft Strikes
- Bonus Unarmed Strike
- Equipment:
- Monastic Robes, Monastic Boots, Quarterstaff, two Health Potions, Scroll of Revivify
- Subclasses:
- Way of the Open Hand: Gives you Open hand Flurry Strike in Dexterity and Strength
- Way of Shadow: Shadow Arts, Shadow Step, and Cloak of Shadows allow you to become the master of darkness and teleport through shadows
- Way of the Four Elements: Bend each of the four elements to your will

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While Warlocks are great spellcasters, their magic comes from a pact with a powerful patron. This means that they receive supernatural spellcasting abilities as a trade-off for being loyal to this otherworldly being.
- Primary Ability: Charisma
- Class Proficiencies:
- Saving throws: Wisdom and Charisma
- Armor & Weapons: Light Armor and Simple Weapons
- Choice of two Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, Religion
- Class features:
- Warlock Spell Slots: Your spell slots are always at the highest available level, and they can recharge during Short Rests
- Cantrips: Choose two
- Spell slots: One level 1 slot
- Equipment:
- Padded Armor, Simple Boots, Dagger, two Health Potions, Scroll of Revivify
- Subclasses:
- The Fiend: Dark One’s Blessing gives you hit points upon killing another, as you are blessed for servicing your patron
- The Great Old One: Mortal Reminder frightens other creatures, gifts from your all-powerful eldritch being
- Archfey: Your fey Patron gives you Fey Presence, Misty Escape, and Beguiling Defenses to bend minds and engage in trickery

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You swore an Oath to uphold justice, and your righteousness will protect your party members. Paladins are great healers, but also fighters. They promise to serve their master, but that depends on the subclass they choose.
- Primary ability: Strength
- Class Proficiencies:
- Saving throws: Wisdom and Charisma
- Armor & Weapons: Light, Medium, and Heavy Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons, and Martial Weapons
- Class features:
- Lay on Hands
- Divine Sense
- Channel Oath Charges: Can channel the power from your Paladin oath to fuel certain actions
- Equipment:
- Scale Mail, Leather Boots, Warhammer, two Javelins, Wooden Shield, two Health Potions, Scroll of Revivify
- Subclasses:
- Oath of the Ancients: Your Healing Radiance will allow nature to heal your allies as you fight against darkness to preserve nature
- Oath of Devotion: Holy Rebuke grants allies a vengeful aura that deals Radiant Damage when they’re hit
- Oathbreaker: You’re given Spiteful Suffering, Control Undead, and Dreadful Aspect after you’ve broken your sacred Oath
- Oath of Vengeance: Channel Divinity and Relentless Avenger are given to you as you fight for justice and revenge

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Clerics are the healers and supporters who worship the gods. Their divine magic helps their teammates with all sorts of spells. There are quite a few subclasses available to Clerics in Baldur’s Gate 3, compared to the rest of the classes.
- Primary Ability: Wisdom
- Class Proficiencies:
- Saving throws: Wisdom and Charisma
- Armor & Weapons: Light and Medium Armor, Shields, and Simple Weapons
- Choice of two Skill Proficiencies: History, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion
- Class features:
- Cantrips: Choose three
- Spells: One + Wisdom modifier
- Spell slots: Two level 1 slots
- Domain Spells: Always prepared spells from your Cleric Domain
- Equipment:
- Chain Shirt, Leather Boots, Mace, Studded Shield, two Health Potions, Scroll of Revivify
- Subclasses:
- Life Domain: Gain Heavy Armor Proficiency, Disciple of Life, and Domain Spells to protect your mind, body, and soul
- Light Domain: Warding Flare and Domain Spells help shield yourself with divine light offered by deities
- Trickery Domain: Blessing of the Trickster and other Domain Spells help you become a mischievous Cleric
- Nature Domain: You get Acolyte of Nature, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Channel Divinity Charm Animals and Plants, Dampen Elements, and Divine Strike.
- Knowledge Domain: This knowledgable Cleric gets Blessings of Knowledge, Channel Divinity Knowledge of the Ages and Read Thoughts, and Potent Spellcasting
- Tempest Domain: Bonus Proficiencies, alongside Wrath of the Storm, Channel Divinity Destructive Wrath, Thunderous Strike, and Divine Strike
- War Domain: You’ll receive Bonus Proficiencies, as well as War Priest, Channel Divinity Guided Strike and War God’s Blessing, and Divine Strike

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Finally, we have the Wizards, who study to learn their spellcraft. They specialize in arcane wizardry after studying ancient and modern spell books. Their subclasses come in eight different schools of magic. Clerics may have plenty of subclasses, but Wizards have even more.
- Primary ability: Intelligence
- Class Proficiencies:
- Saving Throws: Wisdom and Intelligence
- Weapons: Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, and Light Crossbows
- Choice of two Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Religion
- Class features:
- Cantrips: Choose three
- Spells: One + Intelligence modifier
- Spell Slots: Two level 1 slots
- Arcane Recovery: Out of combat you can restore spell slots
- Equipment:
- Simple Robe, Simple Boots, Quarterstaff, two Health Potions, Scroll of Revivify
- Subclasses:
- Abjuration School: These spells like Arcane Ward summons, banishes, and nullifies magic
- Conjuration School: Minor Conjuration, Benign Transportation, Focused Conjuration, and other spells help you produce objects and creatures
- Divination School: Portent, Expert Divination, and The Third Eye give these Wizards powerful knowledge of time and space
- Enchantment School: Things like Hypnotic Gaze and Instinctive Charm magically entrance enemies
- Evocation School: Evocation Savant and Sculpt Spells focus elemental energy into their strong spell attacks
- Necromancy School: Play with the forces of life and death with Grim Harvest, Undead Thralls, Animate Dead, and more
- Illusion School: You befuddle the minds of others with trickery by using Improved Minor Illusion, Malleable Illusions, and Illusory Self
- Transmutation School: Minor Alchemy and Shapechanger, among others, help you modify the matter and energy around you
That is a lot of information to process, but those were all the classes and subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3! Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of which class you should pick for your next character.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is available on Steam.