
Baldur’s Gate 3 update lets Sratch loose off the leash and fixes bugs

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Baldur’s Gate 3 was released into the wild out of early access just a few days ago, but the Dungeons & Dragons-inspired RPG game has already taken the internet by storm. Since Larian Studios launched its beloved game, the developers have been hard at work on updates to improve the Baldur’s Gate 3 gameplay. The team has just released its third update for the game in the form of a hotfix patch, and it brings a variety of bug fixes and changes you’ll want to read through.

As further detailed in our Baldur’s Gate 3 review, the new DnD-style RPG from Larian Studios leaves little to be desired with its extensive list of features. From each ridiculously well-written Baldur’s Gate 3 class to the characters you’ll come across while playing, you’re certain to never run out of fun content. With the game’s player count continuously soaring and its community hungrily eating up the Baldur’s Gate 3 quests, it’s no wonder that the devs have been so quick with updates.

A few of the most important changes detailed in the Baldur’s Gate 3 patch notes include increases to hit points, changes to NPC dialog and reactions, fixes for audio and visual effects, as well as many changes to the story and quests. You’ll also be delighted to know that Scratch has now been let loose off of his leash. The goodest boy can find digging spots on his own. If you’re a fan of the Baldur’s Gate 3 character creation, then you’ll also be happy to hear that problems with color choices, especially for Tiefling horns, have been reoslved.

Baldur’s Gate 3 patch notes – Hotfix update – Friday, August 11, 2023

Crashes and blockers

  • Fixed an issue with spell slots that would prevent you from levelling up while multiclassing.
  • Fixed an edge case issue preventing you from initiating a Long Rest.
  • Fixed a cross-save issue causing you to get stuck syncing indefinitely, which prevented saving and loading.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when selecting a summon without a hotbar while a deck in the hotbar was maximised.


  • Fixed the Hireling UI from being split in half on each monitor in splitscreen.
  • Fixed some visual artefacts appearing on split-screen when using Vulkan.
  • Wyll now correctly recognises and confronts Karlach when you speak to him with a Karlach avatar after another avatar has already spoken to him.


Character creation

  • Fixed mismatches between colours in Character Creation and in game, mainly affecting horns.


  • When things go south in Crèche Y’llek, the music now goes from mellow to metal.


  • Fixed an issue preventing you from talking to Withers in Act 3.
  • Companions can now also trigger various tutorial pop-ups.
  • Scratch can now find digging spots by himself.
  • Fixed a hatch in the Emerald Grove not unlocking after a successful check.
  • The Devil’s in the Details achievement can now be achieved by all party members, including followers.
  • Fixed an issue with crimes that meant you wouldn’t get caught committing a crime if another party member had already committed a more severe crime and resolved it peacefully.
  • You now consistently get the Bloodless condition the morning after Astarion bites you.
  • Fixed a bug allowing you to spam party members’ voiced lines near the log where you can recruit Karlach.
  • Wyll no longer says you should find and slay Karlach after you’ve recruited her.
  • If Jatlo is still disguised after the shadow curse has been lifted, he will now drop his disguise when attacked.
  • Made sure Youth Vis’kiir looks like he’s cleaning before you talk to him in Crèche Y’llek.
  • Fixed the hatchery and infirmary map markers in Crèche Y’llek.
  • Lae’zel will no longer permanently leave the party if you refuse to follow through with Vlaakith’s orders.

  • Fixed a bug preventing you from using the planecaster in Crèche Y’llek.
  • Removed ownership from the portraits of Lohse and Sebille so that taking them is not a crime.
  • Increased the bounds of the Inquisitor’s room in Crèche Y’llek so that the game doesn’t think you’ve left if you enter one of the side rooms.
  • When playing as Shadowheart, telling Astarion about your affiliation with Shar now affects his approval rating.
  • Astarion will now be better at remembering whether you’ve seen his back.
  • You can no longer loot the items belonging to the Inquisitor in Crèche Y’llek without consequence.
  • Fixed the range indicators on the orthon’s quickly ticking mines.
  • The dialogue that follows combat with Cazador will now trigger correctly even if you interact with a certain sarcophagus during combat.
  • Alfira’s lute is no longer invisible while she plays it at camp.

  • Fixed the explosion VFX for the toy chest in the barn in Wyrm’s Crossing.
  • Added a proper name to a note in Sharess’ Caress.
  • Carrion will now resurrect with full health instead of 0 HP, and you can now reach his jars.

  • Interacting with certain rune slates on the nautiloid now correctly triggers the narrator’s line.
  • Fixed the alarm in the Counting House going off when it shouldn’t.
  • Orin will now react to Wild Shaped characters in the Temple of Bhaal.

  • Added a world label to Orin’s body so she’s easier to find.
  • Removed duplicated furniture in the Elfsong Tavern.
  • Made a door in the Elfsong Tavern indestructible.
  • Fixed edge cases where characters would not correctly attach to the game grid, causing knock-on issues.


Flow and scripting

  • Fixed Shadowheart’s dialogue on the nautiloid playing twice when playing as Avatar Lae’zel.
  • Removed a dialogue option that’s no longer relevant when talking to Karlach.
  • Made sure you get Astarion’s bitey scene at camp if you discover his secret through other means.
  • Fixed Astarion mentioning things that haven’t happened yet if you romance him early on.
  • Fixed Avatar Gale’s hunger not progressing if doesn’t meet Tara before leaving the nautiloid crash site.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Brakkal from triggering the correct dialogue when he’s being released if his goblin guards left with Minthara for the raid.
  • Minthara now reacts more appropriately if you kill all the tieflings.
  • Removed unnecessary VFX in a dialogue with Raphael at Last Light.
  • Fixed Glut saying the wrong line when he reanimates a spore servant.
  • Made the dialogue options with Therezzyn more relevant if you’ve already been to the hatchery.
  • Fixed a bug causing the wrong dialogue to play when speaking to the Reconstituted Duellist if you haven’t met him before.
  • Fixed the same dialogue option appearing twice when interacting with the Mirror of Loss.
  • Kled will now play the correct dialogues in Old Garlow’s Place.
  • Made sure Lakrissa and Alfira don’t appear in the Elfsong Tavern if you didn’t save them.
  • Fixed a line about Lorroakan appearing in a dialogue at camp if you haven’t met him yet.
  • You can no longer ask Isobel the same question about Ketheric on two separate occasions.
  • Fixed some wrong lines playing when you reach a late stage of the game.
  • Fixed Toobin thinking you have a runepowder bomb when you don’t.
  • Mizora no longer disappears from the game after you resolve the Iron Throne situation.
  • After Mizora pops up at the Iron Throne, she will now be back at camp instead of disappearing.

  • Wyll no longer talks about his father as if he’s not there anymore if his father was saved.

  • Fixed Havkelaag accepting the gith egg via dialogue when he doesn’t have enough gold for it, and made it impossible to pickpocket back if you sold it to him.
  • Korrilla is now better at recognising how you responded to Raphael’s deal.
  • Swapped two couples in the Elfsong Tavern so that they sit at the right tables.
  • Fixed Jaheira becoming a follower in Moonrise even if the conditions weren’t met, which could cause other issues with Jaheira’s flow.
  • Fixed Jaheira not returning to her human form once she leaves your party.
  • If Cazador’s bats are too far from the player to join combat, they will now join anyway.
  • Fixed the dialogue skill checks if you die in combat with the honour guard and are revived by the Emperor in Wyrm’s Lookout.
  • Fixed the AI taking control of Lae’zel and kicking you out of a multiplayer game, with Lae’zel becoming hostile towards the remaining player if they chose to betray Vlaakith and Inquisitor W’wargaz.
  • Improved Halsin’s reactivity to whether or not you’ve been to Grymforge.
  • Fixed some incorrect options showing up in dialogue with Halsin about a particular drow couple.
  • Fixed Orin assuming you ate a particular morsel, even if you didn’t.
  • Fixed a blocker preventing Nightsong from going to Ramazith’s Tower, and other issues related to her appearing in the wrong place or not appearing at all.


  • Made Blue Behir Dice permanently available on all platforms with just the base game.
  • Fixed the UI seemingly disappearing because the game thinks a character is still in a dialogue, which could happen when going into a dialogue in the middle of combat.
  • Fixed the Attack button disappearing from the dialogue UI after loading a savegame made during a dialogue.


Those are the Baldur’s Gate 3 patch notes for the hotfix update. If you want to have a look through Larian Studios’ full list, you can do so here for a more detailed understanding of the gameplay changes and other adjustments.

If you’re excited to see how Baldur’s Gate 3 has changed with the third update, you should check out some of our handy guides to help you as you adventure. You can look through our overview of Baldur’s Gate 3 quests to aid you as you traverse the expansive world while you wait for your patch to finish downloading. Alternatively, check out our guide on the best Baldur’s Gate 3 companions to get an idea of what your party composition should look like.

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