As you progress through the Arena and defeat enemy AC in missions in Armored Core 6, you’ll earn OS Tuning chips and be able to buy upgrades in the garage. However, the number of upgrades outweighs your total OS Tuning chips. That and the fact that the right OS Tuning upgrades can drastically improve your abilities, here are the best OS Tuning upgrades in Armored Core 6.
Note: Before learning about the best Os Tuning upgrades, you might want to learn how to manually reload in Armored Core 6.
What are the best OS Tuning upgrades in Armored Core 6?
Screenshot: PC Invasion
While I think this list is objectively the best OS Tuning upgrades in Armored Core 6, there are a few choices where you can experiment and choose what you think is best. Here are the best OS Tuning upgrades in AC6 and their order of importance:
- ACS – Dynamic Deflection Control Tuning
- Repair Kits – Optimization
- Pulse Armor
- Direct Hit Modifier – Damage Tuning
- Explosive Weapons – Fuse Control Tuning
The moment you get OS Tuning chips, spend them on these five upgrades. Most OS Tunings have multiple levels, and you should try to max out every level of the five OS Tunings listed above.
ACS – Dynamic Deflection Control Tuning reduces all incoming damage by a percentage. The higher that percentage, the better your survivability with any mecha build. I would suggest upgrading your Repair Kits next because you’ll use them in boss fights to keep going.
Pulse Armor is my favorite armor, and it’s the best pick because it gives you the ability to absorb damage without it taking your HP down — plus you can use it twice. Direct Hit Modifier and Explosive Weapons are game changers when upgraded together because your explosive weapons will hit harder and when they stagger the enemy, you’ll erase their health bar extremely fast.
Best System Unlocks OS Tuning in Armored Core 6
- Quick Turn
- Weapon Bay
- Manual Aiming
- Boost Kick
- Weight Control
In the System Unlocks category, there aren’t many options that are necessary. I unlocked Weapon Bay and had a lot of fun with it because you can equip four hand weapons instead of two shoulder weapons and two hand weapons. But I think the best option here is Quick Turn, especially if you are using a Tank build (which is the best build in the game).
Manual Aiming could be a good option on keyboard and mouse, but I don’t recommend it for controller players. Boost Kick is just okay. I could see insanely cracked players using Weight Control to play missions with only a laser blade, but it’s not that useful otherwise.
Best Core Expansions OS Tuning in Armored Core 6

Screenshot: PC Invasion
- Pulse Armor
- Terminal Armor
- Assault Armor
- Pulse Protection
When it comes to armor, Pulse Armor is the best because it absorbs damage. My second favorite is Terminal Armor because it allows you to stay at one HP after big attacks which works really well in boss battles.
Assault Armor is just okay because it’s a one-off energy blast and Pulse Protection isn’t that good because you have to stay around your shield to use it instead of pushing the offensive.
Best Attack Control OS Tuning in Armored Core 6
- Direct Hit Modifier – Damage Tuning
- Explosive Weapons – Fuse Control Tuning
- Energy Weapons – Output Control Tuning
- Kinetic Weapons – Fire Control Tuning
- Melee Weapons – Drive Control Tuning
- Access Speed – Optimization
Direct Hit Modifier is insanely good to deal huge damage to staggered enemies, but it’s even better when paired with Explosive Weapons. Since explosive weapons are the best weapons in the game, this is a good OS Tuning upgrade, but beyond that, explosive weapons stagger the enemy the best and can then deal insane damage.
If you like using energy or kinetic weapons, obviously prioritize the Energy Weapons or Kinetic Weapons upgrades instead of Explosive Weapons. But regardless, always prioritize Direct Hit Modifier because it’s that good.
The Melee Weapons upgrade is only good if you use melee weapons and I would completely avoid the Access Speed because the regular speed at which you access things in AC6Â is never an issue.
Best Damage Control OS Tuning in Armored Core 6
- ACS – Dynamic Deflection Control Tuning
- Repair Kits – Optimization
The two Damage Control OS Tuning upgrades should be prioritized above everything else. As soon as you can, upgrade ACS because it will make any build you have resistant to damage. At first, I didn’t think Repair Kits was that impressive, but it’s essential to upgrade this in the mid- to late-game because bosses can get tricky.