In Destiny 2 Season of the Deep, the new Seasonal Artifact and recent buffs makes the best Void Warlock build of season’s past even better. Though we can’t get Volatile Rounds and infinite Heavy Ammo like we could in Season of Defiance, the best Void Warlock build does get a new Fragment slot going forward, a 20% increase to Nova Bomb (Cataclysm and Vortex), and lots of Devour and Overshields to make you unkillable. This Void Warlock build is absolutely broken and is arguably the best build for Warlocks since Starfire Protocol got nerfs. Here is the best Void Warlock build in Destiny 2 Season of the Deep.
Note: If you want to learn how to get the new Season of the Deep Exotic Warlock Helmet called Cenotaph Mask, check out our guide.
Best Void Warlock build in PvP and PvE in Destiny 2 Season of the Deep
In Destiny 2 Season of the Deep, we have new perks that greatly benefit the best Void Warlock build for PvP and PvE. This guide will focus on the PvE best Void Warlock build since that is the one that shines brightest. However, if you want to build the best Void Warlock for PvP, replace Contraverse Hold with Ophidian Aspect and use No Time to Explain with your best Kinetic Shotgun. I’m a Warlock main myself and have been for many years, so I’ve got you covered.
Necessary Void Warlock perks in Destiny 2 Season of the Deep
To start, there are four Seasonal Artifact perks that you need to have for the best Void Warlock build for PvP and PvE. Here are those perks and what they do:
- Authorized Mods: Void – The armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your Void weapons are significantly discounted.
- Unto the Breach – Defeating a Void debuffed target creates a Void Breach while your Void subclass is equipped.
- Protective Breach – Picking up a Void Breach gives you an overshield or refreshes your existing overshield.
- Supernova – Picking up a Void Breach causes your next source of Void damage to create a large weakening pulse.
Authorized Mods: Void is great because your Void armor mods cost one energy instead of three which allows you to slot the best mods. From there, Unto the Breach, Protective Breach, and Supernova create an amazing synergy with Void Breaches. With all of these perks equipped, you’ll create Void Breaches by defeating enemies with your Void grenades, Void weapon, and Volatile Rounds. Once you pick up a Void Breach, you get an Overshield and create a weakening pulse the next time you shoot your Void weapon or throw your Void grenade.
Best Void Warlock PvE build, explained
Screenshot: PC Invasion
The playstyle for this amazing Void Warlock PvE build starts by throwing charged grenades as much as possible. After getting kills with that, you’ll get Devour, which instantly heals you on kills while active, spawn Orbs of Power, and create Void Breaches. Collect the Void Breach and you’ll get a Void Overshield and a weakening pulse on your next source of Void damage. You’ll get infinite health thanks to Devour, be impossible to kill thanks to the Void Overshields, and get infinite Void grenades thanks to the Exotic.
Best Void Warlock Aspects and Fragments
- Aspects
- Chaos Accelerant – Hold the grenade button to overcharge your grenade, making it deadlier and more effective. Pairs great with Vortex Grenade because it increase the size and duration of the vortex.
- Feed the Void – Defeating a target with a Void ability activates Devour. While Devour is active, final blows restore health and extend Devour.
- Fragments
- Echo of Expulsion – Void ability final blows cause targets to explode. +10 Intellect.
- Echo of Remnants – Your Vortex Grenade has increased duration.
- Echo of Cessation – Finishers cause Void damage that makes nearby enemies volatile. Defeating volatile enemies creates a Void Breach.
- Echo of Instability – Defeating targets with grenades grants Volatile Rounds to your Void weapons. +10 Strength.
With Chaos Accelerant and Feed the Void, you’ll set yourself up to unleash tons of charged Vortex Grenades that are more powerful and grant you Devour with just one Void grenade kill. While Devour is active, you’ll get more grenade energy and instant health on kills.
The chosen Fragments make your Vortex Grenades even more powerful while also giving your Void weapons Volatile Rounds. On top of that, you’ll be creating tons of volatile enemies and will create Void Breaches when they are defeated.
Best Void Warlock Abilities
- Nova Bomb Cataclysm or Vortex
- Any jump you want
- Healing Rift
- Pocket Singularity
- Vortex Grenade
Of course, the necessary grenade for this build is Vortex Grenade. Pocket Singularity is the only melee option, but it does make enemies volatile which can be used to get Void Breaches. Lastly, you’ll want Nova Bomb; pick whichever version you like, but I like Vortex most of the time.
Best Void Warlock Exotic Armor, weapons, and mods
- Exotic Armor
- Contraverse Hold – Resist incoming damage while charging your Void grenade. Charged Void grenades return grenade energy on hit.
- Weapons
- Any Void weapon, like Funnelweb.
- Mods
- Helmet – Two stacks of Ashes to Assets.
- Arms – Two stacks of Firepower.
- Chest – Concussive Dampener and any subclass damage reduction mod.
- Legs – Recuperation, Orbs of Restoration, Void Scavenger.
- Class Item – Three stacks of Distribution.
The Exotic of choice for this best PvE Void Warlock build is Contraverse Hold since it grants a damage resistance while charging your Vortex Grenade, but more importantly it grants grenade energy on hits.
You’ll likely want a Void Exotic weapon, but one of the best options for this build is a Void SMG like Funnelweb for quick Void weapon kills.
For mods, the selection above highlights grenades making Orbs of Power and Super energy. You also get up close damage resistance and ability regen when using your class ability near enemies. Since you’ll be up close and personal with this build, these are the best mods to pick