
Category: PC Games


Wrath of the Righteous — How to get both Wenduag and Lann

Screenshot by PC Invasion Wenduag and Lann are two possible companions in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Sadly, they’re like oil and water. They just don’t mix together, and they tend to be mutually exclusive. Still, there’s a way to […]


Wrath of the Righteous — Abyssal Conspiracy achievement guide

Screenshot by PC Invasion Abyssal Conspiracy is a secret achievement in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. You’ll be able to do this in Alushinyrra during Act 4, as long as you haven’t headed to Colphyr Mines yet. Here’s our Pathfinder: […]


Wrath of the Righteous — Pulura’s Fall puzzle guide

Screenshot by PC Invasion Pulura’s Fall is a location in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. It’s a relatively small dungeon, but it does have some important items and crucial elements. Here’s our Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Pulura’s Fall puzzle […]


How to play all the Pathfinder games in order

Pathfinder is an isometric CRPG video game series that takes inspiration from the likes of Pillars of Eternity and Baldur’s Gate. The game franchise was adopted from the tabletop RPG of the same name, which was based on Dungeons & […]


Best multiplayer VR games of all time

Virtual reality (VR) gaming has come a long way. You can now fully immerse yourself at home with the power of VR systems. They look as enveloping as we once envisioned. You can now almost entirely control your character in […]


Best Pokémon-catching build in Scarlet and Violet

One of the struggles in Pokémon is completing your Pokédex. With over 400 Pokémon to collect, you’ll undoubtedly run into some bumps along the way. Many of these bumps include failed catch attempts, and one of the most common problems, […]