
Destiny 2 loot delay bug is ‘gamebreaking,’ World’s First champ says

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A Destiny 2 loot delay bug is breaking the FPS game and should be fixed before the game’s forthcoming Lightfall expansion, according to a longtime Destiny 2 player and Clan Elysium member who holds three World’s First raid champion titles.

“I feel like this isn’t discussed enough but we really need the loot delay/no loot bug to be fixed before Lightfall,” Saltagreppo shared via Twitter.

“I would argue it’s one of the most gamebreaking bugs this game has ever experienced,” he continues in a follow-up tweet.

Saltagreppo describes the issue in detail, noting its impacts on common activities such as Gambit, Wellspring, Ketchcrash, and Grandmaster Nightfalls. Typically, these activities contain high enemy densities, though it’s unclear whether that contributes to the root cause of the issue.

The problem is that, on occasion, players who complete these activities will experience a delay in receiving their rewards. Even if the screen shows that the mission or activity is complete, the game considers the activity incomplete if the player leaves the activity before the rewards populate. In some cases, such as with Gambit, the delay lasts so long that players receive no rewards before the game automatically disconnects them from the match. The game then incorrectly flags these players with ‘leaver’ penalties usually reserved for those who leave team activities mid-match.

In the case of Grandmaster Nightfalls, the issue is that rapidly skipping through checkpoints can soft-lock the game, making it impossible to progress properly or, in some instances, deprive players of Triumphs or quest objectives they’ve otherwise rightfully earned.

This issue is similar to another recent situation involving Haunted Lost Sectors, currently available to play as part of Festival of the Lost activities. Players report that leaving the event too early causes it not to count toward completions, hindering progress toward event-related Triumphs.

Saltagreppo also points out that the issue seems to be worsening, suggesting that an overload of data could be causing these problems.

The Clan Elysium member, who holds three World’s First raid titles and a second-place title, also frequently attempts difficult Destiny 2 challenges. These include speedrunning Grandmaster Nightfalls and taking on the King’s Fall raid as a trio rather than with a full six-player fireteam.

The World’s First title connotes members of the first fireteam to complete a raid after its initial release. Saltagreppo’s fireteam placed first in Destiny 2 King’s Fall, Vault of Glass, and Vow of the Disciple.

If you’re planning to take on any of these raids before the season ends, you’ll want to check out our guides to the best Destiny 2 Hunter builds for PvP and PvE in Arc 3.0, the best Destiny 2 Titan builds for PvP and PvE in Arc 3.0, and best Destiny 2 Warlock builds for PvP and PvE in Arc 3.0 for build inspiration to help you take on the game’s most challenging content.

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