Epic Games is giving away FREE copies of a prison escape sandbox game, The Escapists, for one week, starting today and lasting until September 30th 2021.
Epic has announced that they will keep the weekly free game giveaway throughout 2021 – follow us to get a reminder when each new free game giveaway launches!
You’ve landed yourself in prison again, and your only chance is to engineer an escape by any means necessary. How you do it is up to you! Why not cause a prison riot? Or dig a tunnel right under the walls of the prison? Or even steal a guard uniform to blend in with your captors?…
The Escapists (PC version) has 71 score on Metacritic and it’s normal price is $14.99. Get it for free at Epic Games Store this week and keep it forever! Read on to see how to:
Just head over to Epic Games Store or navigate to the game in their launcher before September 30th 2021, add the game to your cart and checkout. Simple as that. After that, the game is yours to keep, and play, forever.
Make sure to check in next Thursday for the next Epic Games Store freebies!