
Galactic ARPG Everspace 2 reveals new, alien ship for Wrath of the Ancients DLC

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Forget Starfield, No Man’s Sky, and Elite Dangerous; when I think of satisfying space combat, my mind goes first to Everspace 2. Fast, dynamic, and packed to the brim with a plethora of gear that open up all manner of interesting build options, it combines the loot-driven ARPG elements of games like Diablo with the three-dimensional chaos of big battles among the stars. Upcoming DLC Wrath of the Ancients is set to transform how you play with its most unique new ship yet – a high-risk, high-reward fighter that utilizes alien tech and specializes in getting up close and personal.

The next Everspace 2 expansion, Wrath of the Ancients, will plunge us deep into the heart of Okkar space as an ancient force threatens the peace between humanity and the reptilian race. As part of that adventure, you’ll step into the seat of the Wraith, an Okkar-made fighter that can be acquired as a permanent addition later. Developer Rockfish Games notes that an update to the base version of the space game arriving with the DLC will include an additional hanger slot, so you can easily accommodate the Wraith alongside your existing fleet.

“At first, this new spacecraft may feel heavy,” Rockfish teases, “New Wraith pilots will quickly learn one has to earn its full potential.” The ship’s signature ability is ‘Quantum Covenant,’ which causes defeated foes to drop Echo Fragments that you can collect to gain stacks of Ethereal Resonance. These increase your speed and deal damage every second to all nearby enemies, with double the effect against your currently locked target, making the Wraith capable of rapidly snowballing momentum if flown correctly.

The next trick up the Wraith’s sleeve is its ultimate, Spectral Form. Transforming the ship into a semi-corporeal state, this causes your hull to decay at an increasing rate over time. This effectively acts as a timer on the mode, but your damage will also ramp up as the hull meter falls. When it reaches zero, Spectral Form comes to an end and your hull is restored to full.

While in Spectral Form, your standard devices are replaced with a set of new abilities. ‘Siphon Pulse’ consumes all Ethereal Resonance stacks, delivering their remaining damage instantly and repairing your hull for a percentage of the damage dealt. ‘Spectral Shift’ teleports you a short distance forward, damaging all nearby targets and collecting any Echo Fragments; you can even pass through small enemies with this.

‘Vanish’ cloaks you fully, allowing you to escape or reposition while suspending the hull’s decay effect, and you can extend its duration by collecting Echo Fragments. Finally, ‘Resurgence’ grabs all nearby Echo Fragments and revives them as temporary manifestations that will fight by your side. With that full list of tricks, the Wraith is a powerhouse to be feared in the right hands. It might take a little while to get going, but manage to set up a chain of Echo Fragments and you can quickly accelerate out of control, literally and metaphorically.

Everspace 2 - The Wraith ship fires twin lasers to detonate an enemy craft.

Note that, because of its unique design, you can’t modify the Wraith’s shape with modules, and its passives are predetermined rather than being assigned at random. “We think players are going to love what the Wraith brings to the fight,” Rockfish concludes. “This ship is a medium to heavy fighter that behaves unlike many of the other craft available in Everspace 2.” I’m certainly eager to take it out for a spin.

The Wraith arrives with the Everspace 2 Wrath of the Ancients DLC, which is planned to launch in spring 2025. You can wishlist the expansion now if you want to be notified when it arrives.

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