I never thought I’d be actively thinking about Resident Evil 4 Remake hair settings. Yet, while trudging through the newly released Resident Evil 4 Remake Chainsaw demo, I couldn’t help but notice that Leon Kennedy’s luscious locks look a little greasy in the revamp. In a bid to freshen up the federal agent’s follicles, I went searching for a solution within the game’s substantial settings menu, discovering both a virtual shampoo option and something about myself in the process.
Look, I’m well aware that paying this much attention to hair in the Resident Evil 4 Remake is ludicrous. However, I’ve rocked that same boyband hairstyle more than once throughout my life, and I couldn’t personally fight off the cult of Los Illuminados with greasy bangs. Ultimately, it’d affect my confidence, and I reckon Leon would feel the same way if I didn’t do something about it.
So, while dialling in the best Resident Evil 4 settings using the demo, I decided to spend some time playing around with the ‘hair strand’ option. Now, games like The Witcher 3 and Tomb Raider also have enhanced hair settings on PC, but both the former Hairworks mod and the latter TressFX feature come with performance caveats, and the results are somewhat distracting. I was fully expecting to experience something similar while attempting to sort out Leon’s emo mop, but somehow managed to both give it a wash and prevent massive frame rate dips.
By cranking up the hair strand option to either ‘normal’ or ‘high’, I was able to effectively cure Leon’s bad hair day. It almost feels like Capcom owes it to the iconic Racoon City survivor, as the developer royally messed up his locks in Resident Evil 6. While the RPD newbie arrives on the scene with a less plasticky-looking head in Resident Evil 2 Remake, I feel like the latest revamp finally busts the character’s hair woes once and for all.
Admittedly, it feels a little daft to spend more than a minute or two thinking about Leon Kennedy’s hair. After all, you’ll be busy fighting your way through one of the creepiest villages in video game history in Resident Evil 4 Remake to care about the horrors of an oily mane. Yet, that didn’t stop me from spending an afternoon thinking about whether Leon had time for a shower before setting out in search of Ashley, and I’m glad that my slightly bananas quest lead to a solution.

If you’d asked me if I cared about things like hair quality in videogames before playing the Resident Evil 4 Remake, I’d have firmly said no. I’d still argue that’s the case, but when it comes to Leon Kennedy, I’ll happily become a pedant to ensure the baby-faced Biohazard veteran looks and feels his best.
Capcom’s official Resident Evil 4 Remake release date is fast approaching, so you’ll want to check out Resident Evil 4 Remake system requirements before diving in. You’re going to need decent specs to boost fps, but if the above is anything to go by, using one of the best graphics card options could contribute towards keeping Leon’s hair nice and fresh.