While it’s only a mini-patch, 6.35 comes with a sizeable amount of new items. Spouting new all classes main hand additions and quite a few new collectibles between Orchestrion rolls, Triple Triad cards, minions, and all the rest. Here’s a breakdown of FFXIV patch 6:35 new items, such as weapons and tools, and how to get them all.
FFXIV patch 6.35: New items by category — Weapons, tools, housing
Armory Chest: Weapons
FFXIV Patch 6.35 brings with it two sets of combat arms and one set of crafting tools, as well as new accessories tied to Eureka Orthos. Per the Hildibrand questline relics, players can receive at item level 630:
- Amazing Manderville Sword (Paladin)
- Amazing Manderville Kite Shield (Paladin)
- Amazing Manderville Knuckles (Monk)
- Amazing Manderville Axe (Warrior)
- Amazing Manderville Spear (Dragoon)
- Amazing Manderville Harp Bow (Bard)
- Amazing Manderville Knives (Ninja)
- Amazing Manderville Zweihander (Dark Knight)
- Amazing Manderville Revolver (Machinist)
- Amazing Manderville Cane (White Mage)
- Amazing Manderville Rod (Black Mage)
- Amazing Manderville Index (Summoner)
- Amazing Manderville Codex (Scholar)
- Amazing Manderville Torquetum (Astrologian)
- Amazing Manderville Samurai Blade (Samurai)
- Amazing Manderville Rapier (Red Mage)
- Amazing Manderville Gunblade (Gunbreaker)
- Amazing Manderville Chakrams (Dancer)
- Amazing Manderville Milpreves (Sage)
- Amazing Manderville Scythe (Reaper)
The monk weapon is showcased here. These ones glow! Screenshot by PC Invasion
Level one replica versions of the base stages also exist for glamour purposes from the House Manderville Vendor in Radz-at-Han (12,7).
As with all Deep Dungeons, Eureka Orthos comes with a full set of weapons resembling the exclusive in-dungeon weapons but able to be used outside, each with an item level of 620:
- Orthos Kaltzbalger (Paladin)
- Orthos Shield (Paladin)
- Orthos Handleblades (Monk)
- Orthos Axe (Warrior)
- Orthos Partisan (Dragoon)
- Orthos Bow (Bard)
- Orthos Cleavers (Ninja)
- Orthos Greatsword (Dark Knight)
- Orthos Arquebus (Machinist)
- Orthos Wand (White Mage)
- Orthos Staff (Black Mage)
- Orthos Grimore (Summoner)
- Orthos Codex (Scholar)
- Orthos Planisphere (Astrologian)
- Orthos Samurai Blade (Samurai)
- Orthos Smallsword (Red Mage)
- Orthos Manatrigger (Gunbreaker)
- Orthos Chakrams (Dancer)
- Orthos Wings (Sage)
- Orthos Sickle (Reaper)
These can also be upgraded to item level 625 and become the Enaretos set, which has a black and red look instead of white and blue.
Armory Chest: Tools and accessories
In FFXIV patch 6.35, players can work to receive the Splendorous Tool item level 570 sets for every Disciple of Land and Hand’s primary and secondary tool. These can be augmented to item level 590. Their third stage of upgrades turns the primary hand into the Crystalline tool set. These have a special effect of raising the increase to quality up by 1.75 times more whenever the item condition is Good during the crafting process.
- The Splendorous Alembic vs. the Crystalline Alembic.
- Screenshots by PC Invasion
Finally, during adventures in Eureka Orthos, players can exchange Orthos Tomestones to receive the Enaretos level one jewelry set.
A few new housing items come with patch 6.35.
- Screenshots by PC Invasion
For outdoor furniture there’s the Orthos Display Stand (exchanged for with Orthos Tomestones from Eureka Orthos) and the Dorpokkur Kiln (crafted from 90 goldsmith recipe).
Indoor furnishings include:
Simple Low Table (Purchased from housing merchants)

Screenshot by PC Invasion
Allagan Terminal Alpha

Screenshot by PC Invasion
Allagan Terminal Beta (Both presumably from Eureka Orthos)

Screenshot by PC Invasion
Lalafell Lifter (Purchased from housing merchants)

Screenshot by PC Invasion
Rainbow Hopping Rug (Loporrit tribal quests vendor)

Screenshot by PC Invasion
There are also Loporrit Housing Vendors available as tribal quests rewards.
One new hairstyle, Modern Aesthetics – A Close Shave, is now obtainable by bronze-tinged sacks from Eureka Orthos.
Two new minions have been added. Findingway is from the Loporrit tribal quests, and Private Pachypodium is from sacks in Eureka Orthos.
As for mounts, there are three new ones: the Moon-hopper, resembling the mobs the Loporrits use to help them, comes from their tribal quests, while the other two are from Eureka Orthos. The Orthos Craklaw is a crablike mount found in gold-trimmed sacks, while the Aeturna (a white and bright teal big cat with armor) requires the player to speak to Koh Rabntah with all four Enaratos accessories or simply four Orthos Tomestones.
Five new orchestrion rolls are added:
- Dreamwalker, obtainable from Loporrit tribal quests.
- Crystal Rain, bronze-tinged sack.
- The Promise of Plunder, bronze-tinged sack.
- Battle 1 from Final Fantasy IV, obtainable from Loporrit tribal quests.
- Forbidden Land (Endwalker), bronze-tinged sack.
Four new Triple Triad cards are obtainable:
- Venat, as a reward for obtaining 376 unique Triple Triad cards.
- Dreamingway, from beating Gamingway in Triple Triad. You can challenge this NPC after completing the Loporrit tribal quest storyline.
- Gancanagh, from silver sacks in Eureka Orthos.
- Suprae-Lugae, purchaseable for 14,400 MGP from the Triple Triad Trader in the Gold Saucer.
Added in this patch, three new framer kits are available for adventurer plates: the Loporrit Framingway kit from the tribal quests, and both Eureka Orthos and Enaretos Framing Kits from Eureka Orthos.

Screenshot by PC Invasion
Patch 6.35 has one new fashion accessory, the Raindrop Defense System (from bronze sacks), an Allagan themed parasol, as well as an Allagan Barding for Chocobos (bronze or gold sack reward).
Other items added in FFXIV patch 6.35
Patch 6.35 adds the all new Orthos Potions, now purchasable from the Eureka Orthos vendor to grant your character HP regeneration inside the dungeon.
Four new fish have been added for the Splendorous tools questline:
- Spangled Pirarucu from Lake Tusi Mek’ta in the Rak’tika Greatwood.
- Mirror Image from Handmirror Lake in Il Mheg.
- Clavekeeper from Seagazer Shoals in Kholusia.
- Platinum Seahorse from The Source in Lakeland.
There is a new type of bait, the 560 item level Select Bait Ball (available for white scrips from Quinnana in the Crystarium, 10.4, 7.8).
This covers all the new obtainable and shiny items in FFXIV Patch 6.35. What will you strive to obtain first?
Related: FFXIV Patch 6.35 new content: Eureka Orthos, Loporrit quests, and more.