
Starfield console commands and cheats explained

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What are the Starfield console commands? We’ve all been guilty of it. You get to the shop and see the perfect piece of kit for your spacefarer; an absurdly large rifle that runs on the power of friendship. But what’s that? You’re short on credits. Typical. Nothing a quick console command can’t solve, though.

The Starfield release date isn’t quite here yet, but it’s close. Close enough that some people are already looking up ways to cheat their way around the settled systems. It’s us; we are people. While it’s always advised to play games like Starfield without these boosts the first time around, it won’t be long before you can take advantage of these console commands, and shower your Starfield companions with your ill-gotten riches. Now, here’s everything you need to know about Starfield cheats and what they do.

What are the Starfield console commands?

If Skyrim or Fallout 4 are anything to go by, you’ll be able to add currency to your account, activate god mode, turn all the NPCs blind, and everything in between. Overpowered, for sure, but great fun if you want to get a bit silly with it.

How to use Starfield console commands

Traditionally, the way to use these commands is to open the console menu using the tilde (~), grave (`), or @ keys. This brings up a little box on your screen where you can enter a line of text. Simply type, or paste a console command in there, making sure to fill in anything in parentheses (like, spawning a weapon, or adding an amount of credits). You then press enter, and if done correctly, you’ll be granted whatever skill, item, or currency you requested.

We’ll add Starfield console commands and cheats to the list as soon as we can, but in the small amount of time left before the game is released, why not read up on the different Starfield factions, the planets, and of course, all of those lovely romance options you’ll have.

Still looking for more? While a good Starfield wiki can be a handy source of information, our new Starfield Database goes further, offering you daily news, searchable databanks, and even interactive tools.

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