What are the best Project Zomboid mods? While mods can be applied to most games, there’s something particularly special about sandbox games where it feels like almost anything is possible. Project Zomboid is the perfect example of this, featuring complete game expansion transformations and simple quality-of-life improvements.
Project Zomboid has been out since 2013, but the zombie game has recently rocketed in popularity, with tens of thousands of players returning for the Build 42 update. There are plenty of mods to improve your experience, and modders are already updating their mods for B42. Here are the best Project Zomboid mods available for the survival game right now.
The best Project Zomboid mods in 2025 are:
Common Sense
The Common Sense mod adds some quality-of-life changes that just make… common sense. Being able to pry doors open with a crowbar, crafting makeshift spears from brooms, opening cans with knives; these are things we think are fairly plausible, and with this mod you can do them in Zomboid too!
Week One
Version: B42
The stock version of Project Zomboid drops you straight into the zombie apocalypse when you begin the game, but what if you want to see how events unfolded? With the mod installed, your game actually starts seven whole days before the outbreak.
We recently reported on the epic Week One mod by Slayer, and it’s undoubtedly one of our favorites. Of course, Week One isn’t technically canon, but we’re happy to accept it as such if you are.
TV and Radio Reinvented
Version: B42
It might not strike you as one of the most important things to have added to Project Zomboid, but once you have the TV and Radio Reinvented mod installed, you won’t look back.
This mod adds more interactivity and interfaces to the in-game television sets and radios, introducing a new layer of immersion to the sandbox game. So, when your character puts on Life and Living to pick up new skills, you can be entertained at the same time with actual television shows to sit down and watch.
They Knew
Version: B42
Thanks to new medicine types introduced by the They Knew mod, you can heal yourself of the zombie virus, but must do so each time you’re infected. You also have the option to delay your deterioration, giving you longer to find a cure, and there’s also an infection prevention pill that resists infection for 24 hours.
While this already adds some interesting items to the game, the creator has also promised an expanded universe for the mod, with new zombies, items, and a unique NPC trading system. We’ll update you once we hear more about this mod expansion.
Automatic Gates
Version: B41/B42
There are a few Project Zomboid mods that automate gates, and we’ve got ones for B41 and B42 here. Automatic Gate for B41 does just what you’d expect by adding automatic gates. A small but mighty change when you consider the potential death waiting for you outside your car doors.
Automatic Gates for B42 is much the same, giving you the option to flash your car lights to open your gate. Both mods require you to have built the gate for it to work, but it’ll lower your risk of being eaten on your way home. Due to the size of your vehicle, both mods restrict automation to double doors, double metal pole gates, and double metal wire gates.
Vehicle Repair Overhaul
Version: B41/B42
Those PZ mechanics among us surely get frustrated with the lack of options when it comes to fixing up your in-game wagon. Well, that all changes with the immense Vehicle Repair Overhaul mod, which has been designed with actual mechanics and welders in mind.
Fix flat tires, salvage old vehicles for parts, and weld those parts to your motor to fix up your favorite broken down car. You’ll lose countless hours tinkering away in your garage, but that’s no bad thing. Vehicle Repair Overhaul is available for both B41 and B42, but the salvage option isn’t available in B42 yet.
Generator Time Remaining
Version: B42
It can be frustrating not knowing just how long your generator fuel is going to last, after all, it’s one of the most important resources you have for survival. The Generator Time Remaining mod helps solve this by adding the days and hours you have left after the percentage.
Unfortunately, the mod doesn’t add the same change for condition, which is arguably just as crucial. Perhaps it will be added in time, but at least the fuel amount gives you a rough idea of when to go out looking for more.
Braven’s Bicycles
Version: B41
A bicycle might not be your first choice for escaping a zombie horde, but it’s better than your own two feet. The awesome Braven’s Bicycles mod adds a range of bike types, each with its own unique stats, and you can even add a trailer to carry your scavenged resources home. Of course, the benefit of a bike is that it doesn’t need gas or a battery, but peddling does tire you out and leaves you more vulnerable to attacks.
Vanilla Firearms Expansion
Version: B41
Vanilla Firearms Expansion adds a range of new weapons, while also replacing the textures of existing guns to create an overhauled arsenal. Blow zombies away with the likes of the semi-automatic SPAS-12 shotgun, Uzi SMG, or AK-47. New attachments give you alternate ways of kitting out your weapons, including mags with faster reloads and stabilizing bipods.
Perhaps the best addition granted by VFE is its rework of the jamming mechanic. Now, when you clear a jammed firearm, your lost round is returned if the gun is completely unloaded before clearing. The Vanilla Firearms mod is among the community’s favorite for a reason, but is still restricted to B41. Sadly, a founding creator of the mod passed away in February 2025. While the mod is being updated for B42, this naturally has put progress on hold.
Expanded Helicopter Events
Version: B41
In the vanilla game, a helicopter event takes place towards the beginning of your playthrough, drawing hordes of zombies towards you thanks to its loud sirens. With the Expanded Helicopter Events mod, there are more of these chaotic incidents, including crashed choppers, sirens, and much more.
As one of the community’s favorite mods, Expanded Helicopter Events had to be on our list, but it’s worth noting that it’s only compatible with Build 41 right now. One of the creators, Chuckleberry Finn, has said that they’re planning on updating it for B42.
These are just some of the best Project Zomboid mods we’ve seen, but we’ll be watching out for great ones to add to this list. Whether you’re just getting into the crafting game for the first time or returning for the new build, take a look at how combat is improved in Build 42, among other big changes.