A Destiny 2 Exotic ornament for the beloved Arbalest linear fusion rifle is coming to Bungie’s popular FPS game in Destiny 2 season 21. As part of the Bungie team’s ongoing This Week at Bungie (TWAB) series, the developers showcased the ornament, titled Synthwave, which members of the community selected with 55.5% of the vote in a competition last year. The TWAB also announced a new community vote, which will take place in several parts as Destiny 2 players vote on which Exotic weapon they’d like to see get a new ornament and have the opportunity to vote on several designs for that ornament.
The Arbalest is a fan-favourite kinetic weapon due to its high DPS, and skilled players such as Datto often use it in endgame activities. It does exceptionally high damage against shields and is strong against Barrier Champions, plus piercing shields with the weapon also makes enemies more vulnerable to kinetic damage. The community-selected ornament features a neon purple and teal design courtesy of artist StellarStateLogic.
Players will be able to get the ornament from Eververse, though it’s unclear whether it will be available for Bright Dust or Guardians will have to spend Silver to purchase it. Silver is Destiny 2’s in-game actual money equivalent.
Bungie also announced it’s opening another competition today where players can vote via email on which weapon they’d like to see get an Exotic ornament next. The Bungie team will then commission a community artist, who has not yet been named, to develop a series of art concepts for that weapon for players to vote on. The Bungie design team will then implement the winning choice as an ornament.
As of the launch of this community vote, players can vote on one of three other fan-favourite weapons: Izanagi’s Burden, Witherhoard, or Thunderlord. However, due to the time required to vote, design, and implement the weapon, Guardians shouldn’t expect to see the weapon ornament until the game’s The Final Shape expansion, projected for early 2024.

The TWAB also reminds players the final Destiny 2 Iron Banner of the season will kick off with the next weekly reset and covers notes from and issues from the game’s recent midseason patch. It also references a series of changes intended to improve accessibility, such as reticle updates and full-auto melee, with more details included in a longer blog post from earlier in the week.
Though season 21 is right around the corner, there’s still plenty of time left to snag some of the multiplayer game’s Destiny 2 Lightfall Exotics before Season of Defiance ends.