
Warhammer 40K: Darktide – All mission types guide

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Warhammer 40K: Darktide will have you roaming Tertium Hive, mowing down countless heretics and corrupted enemies in your wake. Still, you’ll have to remember the tasks at hand. Here’s our Warhammer 40K: Darktide guide to help you with all mission types that you can encounter while playing the campaign.

Note: We’ll have a Warhammer 40K: Darktide guides and features hub soon, so stay tuned.


Warhammer 40K: Darktide guide – All mission types

There are seven mission types in Warhammer 40K: Darktide. You can see some of these once you access the Mission Terminal screen in the Mourningstar hub. When you click on a particular map card, you’ll notice the primary objective cited therein. Due to randomized rotation, it’s also possible for certain maps to have a different primary objective on the card. As such, the way you progress and conclude a level might be different, too.

Note: Missions may have secondary objectives as well, such as collecting scriptures or grimoires. These are completely optional, offering only monetary and XP rewards upon successful completion.

Screenshot by PC Invasion


A Strike objective tends to have a finale involving Chaos corruption/daemonic infestation. Think of these a pox-ridden growths that need to be destroyed.

Maps: Silo Cluster, Enclavum Baross, and Smelter Complex


The Raid objective usually has a finale where your squad has to gather several important items in an area. For instance, you might be tasked with collecting special ammo crates or contagion samples.

Maps: Chasm Logistratum, Consignment Yard, and Excise Vault Spireside


The Assassination mission type in Warhammer 40K: Darktide is fairly straightforward. There’s a boss at the end of the level, and you’ll have to take him out. The run will end a few seconds after eliminating the target.

Maps: Magistrati Oubliette and Chasm Station

Warhammer 40k Darktide All Mission Types Guide Investigation Espionage 2

Screenshot by PC Invasion


This involves the operations being undertaken by heretics (i.e., broadcasting propaganda or creating deadly pathogens). Your team will need to sabotage these operations.

Maps: Relay Station and Refinery Delta


This pertains to a core component in the facility that has been shut down or damaged. You’ll have to carry a couple of cryonic rods to flush the system and get it working again.

Maps: Power Matrix


The Investigation mission type in Warhammer 40K: Darktide has a section where you follow a Servo-Skull while scanning the area to reveal pathogen sources. Once you’ve scanned all of them, you’ll need to hold your ground until data transmission is completed.

Maps: Hab Dreyko


The goal of the Espionage mission type in Warhammer 40K: Darktide is to send false information to the heretic forces. You’ll do this by “interrogating” security stacks with AdMech devices, eventually uploading jumbled intel to an array. If a security stack becomes disabled, you’ll need to interact with it, then click whenever the moving reticle is on top of a marked symbol.

Maps: Vigil Station Oblivium

Warhammer 40k Darktide All Mission Types Guide Investigation Espionage 3

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Warhammer 40K: Darktide is available via Steam.

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