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You’ll receive several endings in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Naturally, what you get depends on the myriad decisions you’ve made throughout the course of the campaign. Here’s our Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous ending slides guide to help you with the conclusion and fates of various characters.
Note: For more information, check out our Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous guides and features hub. Likewise, please be reminded that this guide contains spoilers.
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous ending slides guide
You’ll get to see the ending slides in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous upon clearing the Threshold dungeon. In fact, you’ll have to make a pivotal choice as to how you’ll deal with the Worldwound, whether Areelu is sacrificed, your main character, or, alternatively, if you decide to ascend to godhood. This last one is discussed in detail in our Ascension secret ending guide.
From there, you’ll see how each character’s journey turned out, starting with the Commander. This is followed by your minions and compatriots from your chosen Mythic Path. For instance, if you picked Azata, it’ll say what happened to Aivu and the other Free Crusaders.
Speaking of the Crusade, you’re also informed as to how the army viewed you. This is dependent on eliminating most of the demon hordes on the world map, completing projects/events, and fully leveling up the three branches of Diplomacy, Military, and Leadership.
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After that, you’re told of the fates of some supporting characters. Here are some examples:
- Queen Galfrey – Did the queen survive or did you kill her? Did you subsequently raise her to become one of your undead companions?
- Anevia and Irabeth – How you treated Irabeth during the campaign determines her confidence. She might also die if she protected Galfrey in Iz and you made the wrong choices.
- Minagho and Chivarro – In Act 3, it’s possible to forgive Minagho and tell her to find meaning to her life. Later, you’ll meet Chivarro in Act 4, whereupon it’s revealed that she’s in cahoots with Minagho. You can spare her, and the two will live a peaceful life together.
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The last few ending slides in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous pertain to your recruited companions:
- Getting the ideal outcomes implies that you’ve completed all their companion quests, as well as other prerequisites.
- If you ascended to godhood with your party (and even with Areelu Vorlesh), it’ll say whether they accepted their demigod status or not. That’s also dependent on companion quest completion.
- Lastly, you’ll learn about the party member that you romanced, and whether or not the two of you found happiness.
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Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is available via Steam.