
All Market News potion types in Genshin Impact Alchemical Ascension

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Once you start the Alchemical Ascension event in Genshin Impact, you’ll have to learn how to listen to Market News and create all the right potion types. To make your potion shop blossom, we’ll help you determine which potion types are best to sell each cycle.

Genshin Impact Alchemical Ascension: All Market News potion types

Currently, there are 10 cycles you need to follow and figure out which potions are best based on the Market News. The better you are at following the Market News, the more money you’ll make, and the more rewards you’ll receive.

Partaking in this event can also earn you the Dialogues of the Desert Sages weapon, which is entirely free. If you’re having trouble figuring out what’s in demand, here are the best potions for each cycle in Alchemical Ascension.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Cycles 2-4

With these two beginning cycles, you’ll only be making Beginner Strength and Constitution potions. You start with lower-quality ingredients at first, but you’ll eventually be able to create better potions. For now, you can upgrade your potion quality by one level every cycle.

Market News Characteristics Best Ingredients
Good Hunter is coming up with new dishes for adventurers who love battling. Constitution
Special Calla Lily, Special Horsetail, Special Jueyun Chili.
The owner of a Mondstadt flower shop is looking to have their fresh flowers grow more lushly and extend the time they are in bloom. Steadying
Special Calla Lily, Special Horsetail, Special Mushroom.
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Screenshot: PC Invasion

Cycles 5-7

For these cycles, you’ll want to aim for Intermediate Dexterity and Wisdom potions. You can do this by making sure to increase the Tuning Rate above 100%. This is done by making sure to fill up the entire space with ingredients.

For example, although I added a ton of Special Qingxin into my Wisdom potion, filling in the gaps with Special Mushrooms increased my Tuning Rate. This led me to create an Intermediate potion.

Market News Characteristics Best Ingredients
Draff of Springvale is recruiting hunters to hunt an exceedingly speedy Boar King. Dexterity
Special Horsetail, Special Dandelion, Special Jueyun Chili, Special Qingxin.
A scholar from Mondstadt has unearthed an ancient stone tablet and is currently trying to decipher the information on it. Wisdom Special Qingxin, Special Mushroom.
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Screenshot: PC Invasion

Cycles 8-10

For the last three cycles of this phase, you’ll get two out of these four Market News, it’s entirely randomized. Depending on the specific market news, you’ll want to create Intermediate Charisma, Strength, or Constitution potions. The Charisma potion will work for both the bard and makeup Market News.

Market News Characteristics Best Ingredients
A bard in Mondstadt hopes to reliably to put on a good show in their performances and attract a larger audience. Charisma
Special Glaze Lily, Special Sumeru Rose, Special Calla Lily, Special Qingxin, Special Windwheel Aster.
The Cavalry Captain of Knights of Favonius is leading a squad that aims to clear out bandits skulking outside the city. Strength
Special Flaming Flower, Special Jueyun Chili, Special Dandelion, Special Horsetail, Special Mushroom.
Makeup is fashionable amongst the young girls of Mondstadt. Charisma
Special Sumeru Rose, Special Windwheel Aster, Special Glaze Lily.
The Dragonspine Exploration Team is preparing supplies to ensure that its members remain in good condition. Constitution
Special Sweet Flower, Special Horsetail, Special Calla Lily, Special Mushroom.

That’s phase one done for, and now you have to wait until you can engage with phase two and three of this Genshin Impact event! Until then, you may be looking out for Dendrobium if you recently unlocked Chiori and want to ascend her.

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