
Diablo 4 Alchemist guide – Potions, Incenses, and Refine Resources

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Interacting with all the interesting vendors throughout Sanctuary in Diablo 4 can be daunting. Some will provide services that you can’t access yet, and others may sell things you aren’t sure how to use. For example, Alchemists can perform a number of different services for you, but you have to understand what they do first. Here is a guide to using an Alchemist in Diablo 4, who can upgrade Potions, craft Incenses, and Refine Resources.

How to use an Alchemist in Diablo 4

In most towns you come across in Sanctuary, there should be an Alchemist. This Diablo 4 guide covers all the unique services that Alchemists provide, such as Potions, Elixirs, Incenses, and Refining Resources. They are much more useful than you think, despite the fact that they’re my least-visited vendor.

Potions and Elixirs

Not only can Alchemists create special Elixirs for you, but they can help you upgrade the potency of your healing potions. At certain levels, you’ll be able to spend some Resources to upgrade your health potions. That way, each time they level up, drinking one potion will be able to heal you more than before.

There are also many Elixirs that you can craft with an Alchemist. Using some of the Materials and Resources found across Sanctuary, you can create Elixirs to use in the heat of battle. You’ll find a wide variety of options, such as resistance to certain elements, Elixirs to increase your Dodge or Attack Speed, and more. You can even assign them to your Action Wheel, which is easier than drinking them from your inventory.

Diablo 4 Alchemist guide - Potions, Incenses, and Refine Resources

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Refine Resources

What does it mean to Refine your Resources? Well, have you ever required a certain Resource that you don’t have enough of? Alchemists can actually help out with that. You can convert a few Resources into another type. For example, if you’re out of Blightshade, you can create it with five Gallowvine. This comes in handy when you don’t have enough Rare Resources, but have plenty of more common ones.

Song Of The Mountain

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What exactly do Incenses do in Diablo 4? Incenses are used just like Elixirs, but they can actually offer stat boosts to nearby players. There are a few different types you can craft using an Alchemist. Each Incense can increase a certain stat, such as Strength, Intelligence, and even Armor. This is perfect if you enjoy doing World Events with other players, or play with friends often.

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