
How to unlock the Great Fairy Mija in Tears of the Kingdom

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Unlocking the Great Fairy Fountains in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is no small feat. You have to do certain things to be able to unlock them, like side quests and finding certain musicians. In order to unlock the Great Fairy Mija, that’s exactly what you need to do. Here’s our guide on how to unlock the Great Fairy Mija in Tears of the Kingdom.

How to unlock Great Fairy Mija in Tears of the Kingdom

The first step to unlocking the Great Fairy Mija in Tears of the Kingdom is to activate the Potential Princess Sightings Side Adventure. You can do this by talking to Penn outside of the Skyview Tower in Lookout Landing, and then speak to him again outside Rito Village at the Lucky Clover Gazette. This will activate the Side Adventure and then you can unlock any of the Great Fairy Fountains you want.

Note here, you can unlock them in any order you like, but I personally unlocked Tera, near the Woodland Stable first, which we have a guide for, so if you have trouble starting this Side Adventure, you should refer to our other guide, then come back to unlock Mija.

After completing this task, head to the Snowfield Stable, where you should see a troupe at a stage, and this is how you activate the Side Adventure that unlocks the Great Fairy Mija. This Side Adventure, with the name Serenade to Mija, requires you to find Eustus who plays the horn. Head down to the marker on the map that’s located north of Tabantha Bridge Stable, and you should see Eustus in a hole.

Here’s the location of the hole Eustus is in. Screenshot by PC Invasion

The Hornist’s Dramatic Escape

When you encounter Eustus on the journey to unlock this Great Fairy Fountain in Tears of the Kingdom, you need to talk to him before you can do anything else to proceed, so talk to him and activate The Hornist’s Dramatic Escape Side Adventure. In this Side Adventure you need to get Eustus out of his hole by using the materials around you to build a flying cart. You can refer to the image below on how I did that, which worked out for me. The only thing to note here is to have the fans pointing diagonally upwards to give upwards and forwards momentum at once. You also need to leave room for Eustus to get on the cart, so build everything around the outside and not anywhere near the interior seating.

Tears Of The Kingdom Great Fairy Mija Eustus Cart

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Back to the Snowfield Stable

After doing this, he’ll thank you and return to the Stable Trotters. Once that’s done, return to the Snowfield Stable and talk to the troupe again. Before you can unlock this Great Fairy Fountain in Tears of the Kingdom, they will then need you to put a roof on their cart, which can be done with the materials next to the cart. Just attach a board to the top to give them shelter from the elements.

Tears Of The Kingdom Great Fairy Mija Roof

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Upon completion of that step, make sure you have enough Pony Points to have a harness, which is easily done. You can capture one horse, and then talk to a new stable owner to receive a point and you’ll have the harness. Attach your horse to the cart and away we go! Carefully, that is, if you ride too recklessly they will get out and go back to the stable.

Once you’re at the Great Fairy Fountain, you’ll see a cutscene, and the Great Fairy Mija will unlock for you to talk to and upgrade armor.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available for purchase on the Nintendo Store.

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