
Zenless Zone Zero: VR Testing Machine guide

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Zenless Zone Zero is the latest gacha game from HoYoverse, and unlike some of HoYoverse’s other games, Zenless Zone Zero has some new tricks up its sleeve. Many of its gameplay systems work differently from its sister games, including Zenless Zone Zer’s VR Testing Machine.

What is the VR Testing Machine in Zenless Zone Zero?

The VR Testing Machine in Zenless Zone Zero is how you’ll farm for your character ascension materials, weapon ascension materials, and experience materials. It’s unlike the domains or calyxes you’ve seen in other HoYoverse games and has a unique trading card system that dictates what you can actually farm. It’s divided by levels in intervals of 10. The higher level you are, the harder the challenges will be, with greater rewards as well.

You’ll unlock the VR Testing Machine around Level 10 after progressing through the main story. This feature will unlock automatically, so you won’t need to do anything special to gain access to this mode.

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Each trading card you equip allows you to earn a certain reward after completing a quick battle. For instance, you can create a set of trading cards that give you Dennies, weapon ascension materials, character ascension materials, etc. Don’t worry. These cards last indefinitely once you receive them, so you don’t have to worry about losing a card after using it.

You can create training plans by hitting the “plus” buttons on the left side of the screen. From there, you can assemble a set of five trading cards. Each trading card lists out which reward you can receive from them (and if you aren’t sure, you can click the icon of the reward to find out what the item is.) After assembling your training plan, hit “Start Training” on the bottom right and begin to earn your rewards.

Note, that each separate card increases the Battery Charge you need to participate in the VR Testing Machine. Cards of different rarities will require more Battery Charge, so make sure you have enough energy going into each fight.

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After you hit “Start Training,” you’ll have to beat a relatively easy fight. After winning the battle, you’ll receive a randomized set of rewards based on the training cards you equipped. This is the main way you’ll need to farm for character ascension materials, so be sure to unlock the VR Testing Machine as soon as you can if you want to level up your characters.

That’s all you need to know about the VR Testing Machine in Zenless Zone Zero. The full game is expected to be released sometime in 2024.

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